Music Banter

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littleknowitall 01-23-2006 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
its been a proven fact that noobs annoy the **** out of everybody here who has seen numerous other noobs post whore & knows what happens when they do that. intelligence doesnt really have much to do with it. & i agree with merkaba up there. where the hell did all these people come from anyway?

a jew spat at me the other day, lets kill em all!:rolleyes: ok so how long before your no longer a 'noob' i want to know how long i have to survive on this thing to 'gain your respect' so it would seem. as i along with everyone else who registered in the past month am just a spamming noob.:mad:

mosesandtherubberducky 01-23-2006 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by franscar
Right, now everybody please stop having this bun fight. Don't make me write a long post, I'm too tired.

What happened to our cult? Anyways I think people should talk about music. But it is hard when the only threads that are made are in the lounge. click "New Posts" that will save you time and show you some threads about MUSIC

Shooting Star 01-23-2006 06:07 PM

I don't like spam because it hurts my self-esteem. Knowing that people willingly post stupid stuff (even if I realize that 90% of people are stupid) gets my panties in a bundle.

sleepy jack 01-23-2006 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by moley
a jew spat at me the other day, lets kill em all!:rolleyes: ok so how long before your no longer a 'noob' i want to know how long i have to survive on this thing to 'gain your respect' so it would seem. as i along with everyone else who registered in the past month am just a spamming noob.:mad:

I really wouldn't consider you a noob considering you making intelligent posts in the music forum and generally don't walk around going "****ING PIECE OF ****!11 I SO NO WUT IM TALKIN BOUT".

franscar 01-23-2006 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
What happened to our cult? Anyways I think people should talk about music. But it is hard when the only threads that are made are in the lounge. click "New Posts" that will save you time and show you some threads about MUSIC

Short answer. Nobody joined. We needed 15 people to join to get a chart going, which might have encouraged a bit of debate, let people see what other people were digging, but there's only four people actually joined. So if another eleven decide to go for it, at then it might be resurrectable, like a burly man dragged from the sea.

If not, then I'm not sure really.

littleknowitall 01-23-2006 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
I really wouldn't consider you a noob considering you making intelligent posts in the music forum and generally don't walk around going "****ING PIECE OF ****!11 I SO NO WUT IM TALKIN BOUT".

awww thanks :) you know thats the first post i've had in response to anything on this forum that wasn't neutral or an attack on me. i don't like not recieving compliments now and again. :(

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-23-2006 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
its been a proven fact that noobs annoy the **** out of everybody here who has seen numerous other noobs post whore & knows what happens when they do that. intelligence doesnt really have much to do with it. & i agree with merkaba up there. where the hell did all these people come from anyway?

honestly the statment you made about noobs is just ignorant and pointless. sure, the majority of them are annoying, but that was a total generalization and was slightly uncalled for.

now, the point she tried and failed to make was that a lot of the newbies on this site have absolutely no knowledge of music whatsoever and join to do nothing but spam and make stupid comments. the contributing members of the forum have grown accustom to the newbies being annoying. if you dont think that this holds true for you, go prove it.

littleknowitall 01-23-2006 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
honestly the statment you made about noobs is just ignorant and pointless. sure, the majority of them are annoying, but that was a total generalization and was slightly uncalled for.

now, the point she tried and failed to make was that a lot of the newbies on this site have absolutely no knowledge of music whatsoever and join to do nothing but spam and make stupid comments. the contributing members of the forum have grown accustom to the newbies being annoying. if you dont think that this holds true for you, go prove it.

and im in total agreement, its just like every other forum, its unavoidable, i just don't feel it should be complained about on every forum i join, and like you said its the fact that the statement that person made just generalised, me being new to this forum myself i took offence.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-23-2006 06:19 PM

well, a lot of us have grown used to new members being annoying and not contributing. i could have expected someone to make a comment like that. i wouldnt take it as an insult....her fingers were moving faster than her mind.

littleknowitall 01-23-2006 06:20 PM

bleh fair enough, ill shut up. *zips it*

bungalow 01-23-2006 08:50 PM

I have a problem with all of these spamming noobs. Why did you guys join a music forum, if you were going to talk about each others signatures, and how pretty everyone else is. And do not tell me "just skip over the stupid posts". because, frankly, I shouldn't have to. This is a music forum, and it has some of the most intelligent members of any forum I have been to. It is ruined by the fact that we get people on here like fFeEeEkK and SittingBehindYou, who just want to post whore, and fill our lounge up with stupid forum games.

mosesandtherubberducky made a great thread. It was a game thread, but it was created to expose everyone here to new music. It was posted in the General Music forum 2 days ago, and it has 9 replies. Mostly by me, him, and PTS. That is pathetic. If the game was "post a pic of yourself, and the person below you rates it" it would be filled with 8 pages by now. But no, since it was about music, it doesnt get replies. PEOPLE, THIS IS MUSICBANTER, not rate the person above you's avatar-banter. If you want to talk about that shit, go to you can spam about whatever you want. Don't do it here. Urban has made a bunch of great music threads, and they get 5 or 6 replies, but then, he goes out and makes a "compliment someone" thread in the Lounge and, badabing...INSTANT SUCCESS (not a dig at you Urban ;)) That is ridiculous. All of you newcomers who have joined just to pic whore yourselves, are pathetic. Get a life. This a place to discuss music. If you aren't going to do that, then I will watch every post you make, the second you cross the line, I am reporting you to a mod for spamming. Hopefully you will be banned.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-23-2006 09:29 PM

i have a feeling that a lot of the people that have joined lately, joined because they saw all the games in the lounge and thought theyd throw in their two cents. if not that then to make ridiculous posts in the music forums like trying to prove why the beatles are better than the stones. spamming just ruins the forums, and makes this a worse place for everyone.

if you are hesitant to post in certain threads because your knowledge of music isnt very extensive, then...1. consider it a learning experience and check out the bands that youve never heard of..and 2. if you know jack squat about music, and arent willing to learn, then why the hell did you join a forum called "musicbanter" in the first place.

i agree with you bungalow, im tired of all the people that post ONLY in the lounge. sure..i post in the lounge, everyone does. but when that is the only place you post on the forum, thats when its out of hand.

there have been a significant number of newbies that joined, and as soon as they posted, they got in an argument. why? usually because they are either not willing to accept other peoples opinions, or they were unwilling to learn. elitism gets no one anywhere on a forum. (with the exception of a few).

i know that a lot of the people on this forum are sick of the games and "oh em geee" threads that are pushing any form of intelligence out of sight. they are taking over, and most a lot of the people posting in them are either newer members or people who never post anywhere but the lounge. frankly, i as well as a lot of the other members are sick of it. if you cant contribute to the parts of the forum dedicated to MUSIC, then you shouldnt be here.

ive reported a few spammers lately, and most of them have been banned. i plan to keep doing this whenever i feel that someone is doing more bad than good.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-23-2006 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
Urban has made a bunch of great music threads, and they get 5 or 6 replies, but then, he goes out and makes a "compliment someone" thread in the Lounge and, badabing...INSTANT SUCCESS (not a dig at you Urban ;))

Yeah but even that was written out & had some effort put in it ;)

I hate all these forum games I find them really annoying , i`d lock the whole damn lot of them

bungalow 01-23-2006 09:41 PM

I wasn't making a dig at you Urban. I was saying that you constantly put out good threads....about music, but they get ignored. Finally, when you post something in the lounge, it gets tons of replies. I like the way that thread was done. It definitly beats the wat thta half of these other lame ass threads are done.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-23-2006 09:45 PM

I find myself posting in here more because nothing happens much anywhere else.

I still think we should have a proper off topic forum that doesn`t tolerate all this spamming sh*t.

Is the louge supposed to be the off topic forum for proper dabate or is it somewhere where you can mess around & joke with people who post here.I think someone has to decide and thats why I think there needs to be more than just the one option that is available.

However the admin seem to think this place is fine & seem content to crack down on any talk of the direction this forum is taking by the people who post here.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-23-2006 09:49 PM

big3's thread got closed, and this one will too. any movement by the members towards bettering the forums is shut down.

im all for a boycott of the game threads.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-23-2006 09:53 PM

I have to say I do find the attitude of the admin curious sometimes.Any ideas are usually shouted down as 'Convince us you NEED it'

This is an internet forum , i don`t NEED anything , however it would be nice if things were tried once in a while to keep things fresh & to get some proper debate going on here.

Scarlett O'Hara 01-23-2006 11:56 PM

*rolls eyes*

This is getting past the line. I can see ****ing senior members telling it how it is in the nicest way possible, and all the "too cool for school" n00bs are just making it a big joke.

Have some consideration, some of us have an IQ above 90, and would like to enjoy a forum as it's supposed to be, not a PLAYGROUND.

Little bitches, go back to your crayons and grow up.

holdyoualways 01-24-2006 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
now, the point she tried and failed to make was that a lot of the newbies on this site have absolutely no knowledge of music whatsoever and join to do nothing but spam and make stupid comments. the contributing members of the forum have grown accustom to the newbies being annoying. if you dont think that this holds true for you, go prove it.

yeah...thats what i said...

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-24-2006 01:54 PM

no....sorry, but its not.

holdyoualways 01-24-2006 01:55 PM

s'called sarcasm.

Ma Cherie 01-24-2006 02:01 PM

there not soupose to be a Fu*king topic in here, that why the discription read of topic banter, not like i read any of them mind you, though i have posted in some it doesn't really mter what in the lounge because its the lounge

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 02:02 PM

I think it should, alot these threads are just stupid and ridiculous and taking up bandwith and just wasting space. I honestly don't give a sh*t about what you ate for breakfast sorry and its not just the stupid topics its the people having 4 pages of conversation with eachother of just them posting its stupid.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-24-2006 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Ma Cherie
there not soupose to be a Fu*king topic in here, that why the discription read of topic banter, not like i read any of them mind you, though i have posted in some it doesn't really mter what in the lounge because its the lounge

1. learn to spell
2. go back to elementary school and learn how to carry on an intelligent conversation
3. shut up.


read through the rest of the thread and try to figure out what we are talking about. then come back and repeat what you just said.

Ma Cherie 01-24-2006 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
1. learn to spell
2. go back to elementary school and learn how to carry on an intelligent conversation
3. shut up.


read through the rest of the thread and try to figure out what we are talking about. then come back and repeat what you just said.

i spelled everything quite nicly, you need to learn your acronyms of spelling ina proprate words because thats the only thing worng besides forgetting to put an s on the end of a word, go back to school and get a degree alright in something other than bitc hora mics

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Ma Cherie
i spelled everything quite nicly, you need to learn your acronyms of spelling ina proprate words because thats the only thing worng besides forgetting to put an s on the end of a word, go back to school and get a degree alright in something other than bitc hora mics

hahah wow, nicely* inappropriate* wrong*. bitch* no clue what "hora mics" is. Seriously, don't say your spelling is fine when its not and the overuse of commas and lack of periods is also incorrect. I don't like grammar/spelling nazism, but honestly if your going to say its fine and its not...well don't.

Ma Cherie 01-24-2006 02:16 PM

who fu(king cares when there are others with worse. i don't feel like changing it, i didn't think it would allow bitch and i don't feel like spell shove your thoughts up your ass and fu(k a cow!

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-24-2006 02:17 PM

exactly. cherie...i dont know what the hell youre whining about anyways...a majority of your posts are in the lounge. so you, of all people should care a little more that its filled with nothing but spam. there are maybe 3 threads in there that actually contain something of intelligence.

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
exactly. cherie...i dont know what the hell youre whining about anyways...a majority of your posts are in the lounge. so you, of all people should care a little more that its filled with nothing but spam. there are maybe 3 threads in there that actually contain something of intelligence.

PTS just ignore her, she acts like shes 12 do you honestly think you can reason with her? Look at the statement above you and honestly tell me you think shes going to be civil.


Originally Posted by Ma Cherie
who fu(king cares when there are others with worse. i don't feel like changing it, i didn't think it would allow bitch and i don't feel like spell shove your thoughts up your ass and fu(k a cow!


PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-24-2006 02:22 PM


it just seems like we have so many potentially good posters here that make posts like that. not saying that she is a potentially good poster or anything...shes far past any likelyhood of that. but some people come here just to be petty and argue over stupid things.

Ma Cherie 01-24-2006 02:24 PM

acually i took that from my 20 year old friend..., but still i gave up reasoning with you misfits because you always try to make me mad so why not just whine the way you want me to, ya know?

Shooting Star 01-24-2006 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
I have a problem with all of these spamming noobs. Why did you guys join a music forum, if you were going to talk about each others signatures, and how pretty everyone else is. And do not tell me "just skip over the stupid posts". because, frankly, I shouldn't have to. This is a music forum, and it has some of the most intelligent members of any forum I have been to. It is ruined by the fact that we get people on here like fFeEeEkK and SittingBehindYou, who just want to post whore, and fill our lounge up with stupid forum games.

mosesandtherubberducky made a great thread. It was a game thread, but it was created to expose everyone here to new music. It was posted in the General Music forum 2 days ago, and it has 9 replies. Mostly by me, him, and PTS. That is pathetic. If the game was "post a pic of yourself, and the person below you rates it" it would be filled with 8 pages by now. But no, since it was about music, it doesnt get replies. PEOPLE, THIS IS MUSICBANTER, not rate the person above you's avatar-banter. If you want to talk about that shit, go to you can spam about whatever you want. Don't do it here. Urban has made a bunch of great music threads, and they get 5 or 6 replies, but then, he goes out and makes a "compliment someone" thread in the Lounge and, badabing...INSTANT SUCCESS (not a dig at you Urban ;)) That is ridiculous. All of you newcomers who have joined just to pic whore yourselves, are pathetic. Get a life. This a place to discuss music. If you aren't going to do that, then I will watch every post you make, the second you cross the line, I am reporting you to a mod for spamming. Hopefully you will be banned.

There is a spot for off-topic banter and all... And I'm going to look at it logically. I love music. It's gotten me through some very tough times and there isn't a day that goes by where I don't listen to at least one album or a bunch of songs. I'd say music makes up anywhere between 10-20% of my life. That's a large chunk, but it still leaves 80-90% of other things that hold my interest. You devote a forum to one particular area and you're bound to only get so much stimulation, there's only so much you can talk about with music before it gets redundant. The other majority of discussion ends up in off topic banter isn't surprising at logically thinking. Even if you lived, ate, and breathed music you'd still have a deal more to talk about, and for a lot of people I'm sure music is a nice thing but isn't their priority, and joining a music forum they did to meet other people who enjoyed music and not to obsessively talk about only that. Like if you don't care what someone ate for breakfast, don't go into that thread. If the mods think it's a waste of space or the sites bandwidth, they'll delete it. It's all relative.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 01-24-2006 02:29 PM

i understand what youre saying and all. people come here to talk about music but thats not their whole life....and they also want to talk about other things......



and the parts of the forum dedicated to MUSIC are DEAD compared to the off topic area. stop it with your comments like "people dont want to talk about only music...

if they want to talk about other things then they can go SOMEWHERE ELSE.

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 02:31 PM

I second that and theres the fact alot of threads in here are fine, but alot of them just seem to be made for the sake of being made. Its not that the lounge is bad, its just if you come here to dicuss what you ate for breakfast then thats kind of lame.

Ma Cherie 01-24-2006 02:33 PM

tru but the music stays in it designated spot.... unfortunately. they post the $hit here because it descripton says offtopic banter.
i don't talk much in the music forums becase of the fact that what i like is hardly listend to, or not liked at all.
there i addmitted my fault. go find yours now.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-24-2006 02:34 PM

This is going round in circles. This is the point where someone states how they dont want to have to go elsewhere to discuss these offtopic things, because theyve built up relationships [I dont know the right word for this here] here, and want to share it with the people they know.

Which is all valid.

Thing is, youre never gonna get rid of all the spammy pointless threads. Its just how it works. Every few months, this forum goes haywire with n00bs and everyone complains and then the major posters all threaten to leave yadda yadda yadda.

How about you just deal with it for once? The mods here do the best they can, even with you all not appreciating this. Theres a limit to how much we can step in though, we shouldnt have to babysit you, with each and every post. We'll step in where we can, be happy we do that.

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 02:35 PM

I really don't see how making a thread about it and trying to adress it isn't dealing with it.

Shooting Star 01-24-2006 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe

and the parts of the forum dedicated to MUSIC are DEAD compared to the off topic area. stop it with your comments like "people dont want to talk about only music...

if they want to talk about other things then they can go SOMEWHERE ELSE.

I realize it's a music forum, but like I've already said only so much can be said about music before it grows redundant. I'm not going to "stop it with my comments like 'people dont want to talk about only music'" because that's how I feel and I'll argue it until I believe otherwise. And honestly, if it's newbs that are posting in the Lounge, just pretend like that section doesn't exist and only focus on the music. That way your eyes won't be plagued by the site of breakfast threads, and newbs, and you can post about music all you want right.

If you don't want people to talk about anything but music on a music forum, you'd be better off asking the administrating team to remove the Lounge section of the forum.

I do agree with the basis of what you're saying, and especially what Crowquill is getting at.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-24-2006 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill
I really don't see how making a thread about it and trying to adress it isn't dealing with it.

Its not. Its complaining. Forgive my bluntness here, but there are so many threads complaining about the n00bs and the lounge. We tried discussing other subforums for it, nothing happened, as per usual. We're now cutting down pretty much as much as we can with spamming members and threads.

Theres a limit to how much we can do. And put up with.

sleepy jack 01-24-2006 02:38 PM

We're not saying you can't dicuss stuff off topic stuff, alot of the threads in here do have a point. But nearly everything is stupid forum games now and as i've been saying its like there just being made to be made.


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
Its not. Its complaining. Forgive my bluntness here, but there are so many threads complaining about the n00bs and the lounge. We tried discussing other subforums for it, nothing happened, as per usual. We're now cutting down pretty much as much as we can with spamming members and threads.

Theres a limit to how much we can do. And put up with.

Just fucking lock it like other threads that are bitchy then.

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