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Soulflower 08-03-2013 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1352884)
I should have been more specific. The production has a more mature sound but yes the lyrics conflict with it. Sure, he didn't contribute to producing it himself but he's still associated with it because it is his album.

That might be true but alot of the production off this new album isnt a new sound for him which is the point I am trying to get you to understand. Ive heard him make songs that sound like Strawberrybubblegum and incorporate that same singing style. The album isnt really a "new" sound for JT which is why I am not all that impressed with it.

Also, I am a little (biased) towards it because Ive heard better R&B cuts and I pretty much own MJs and Stevies entire catalogue so if I wanted to listen to the real thing I can just pop it in the CD player instead of listening to a waterdown version lol....

I appreciate the album for what it is and JTs consistency. I just wish he would try to grow more as an artist and try different things, sounds, music, subject matter etc. He has so much potential and he seems to have a good ear for music so there is no reason why he should be so stuck the way he is. What really made this album listenable for me was the production (despite being computer generated) The subject matter and his singing was average and at times mediocre.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1352860)
I disagree with you on this part. The last two to three mins of certain songs turned out to be my favorite parts of the songs.

I guess we have to agree to disagree on this. :) I personally feel there was no reason for those songs to be as long as they were. There was nothing artistic or inspirational going on in those last added minutes.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1352860)
It's not just because he's white if that's what you are thinking.

I was just making another arguement that is unfornately true for most male and female black R&B singers. Its crazy how a white man can be successful making R&B but majority of these African American soul/ R&B singers cannot cross over or achieve the same level of success (if they choose to sing traditional R&B) despite having overall better R&B music and talent than their white counterparts who make the same type of music.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1352860)
When he performs the songs live in concert you get a better feel for the songs because he DOES use real instruments.

It still doesnt change the fact that the recorded album consisted of generated computer beats. The fact that he uses instruments in concert doesnt excuse that fact. This discussion is on the ALBUM not on how the songs are performed in concert and on the album there were no real instruments that were used which really waterdown the production.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1352860)
Yeah, I think Manky does that just to rile people up but you'll have to ask/talk to him about that.

No a review I read argued that Justin Timberlake was the new Sammy Davis Jr, MJ and Stevie. I have to find the article so you can read it. I read it off another forum a while back when the album was first released. Things like that is why I think the album is okay/average. I dont see how you can call someone the new Stevie Wonder when they dont sing, write or play any instruments exceptionally well.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1352860)
I'm pretty sure the reviews that I have read gave credit where credit was due and talked about how this sound was related to others that have come before.

The reviews I read implied Justin was doing something "innovative". I promise you I am not making this up lol It was a huge debate on another forum months ago "" because of all these overrated reviews this album was getting.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1352860)
If they are thinking/assuming it is his original sound when they go to do research they will be surprised and find out all these other artists that have similar music/sound that they are currently enjoying so it's a win/win.

The average casual music listener is not going to research or dig for other types of music. If you categorize this more specifically and focus on the average music listerner from the ages of 16-24, they are definitly not going to research. There is no win/win this case because most casual listerners dont take the time to research about truths or challenge what the media presents to them. I am not arguing this is the case for EVERYBODY but just speaking on the CASUAL music listener in that age range.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1352860)
There might already be a Janelle Monae thread but put it in the section where all other R&B goes. I'm looking forward to her album coming out soon as well. I really like her.

You mean the soul/funk section? Does R&B have its own section outside of soul/funk? I am really looking forward to listening to "The Electric Lady" :) I really love the first two singles off her new album so far. "Queen ft. Erykah Badu" is a very funky track that you cant help but groove to and Dance Apolocaptic is a fun dance tune. I thought her Archandroid album was criminally criminally underrated. I think its one of the best albums that has came out this decade.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1352860)
He has better branding like I mentioned earlier. It is part of the business to be able to brand yourself well.

You're right but alot of great artists do not have the same luxury of having a multi million dollar label backing them. In other words, its not so much about the artist "specficially" and more to do with their label, management team etc.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1352860)
Also we could use someone like yourself for this thread I created.

We pretty much focus on one album for a certain amount of time. Maybe a week sometimes shorter then write a little mini-review of our thoughts on it. Some of them you may have heard before but it's nice to go back and listen to some great R&B albums you haven't heard in awhile. Also, I will let you pick the next album after our current one.

Awww lol thats nice of you to say especially after what I did to you in that Jay Z thread lol Didnt mean it personally, just very opinionated when it comes to music. This seems like a really interesting and fun thread!! Gonna definitly check it out and give input, thanks! :afro:

djchameleon 08-05-2013 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 1353038)
I appreciate the album for what it is and JTs consistency. I just wish he would try to grow more as an artist and try different things, sounds, music, subject matter etc. He has so much potential and he seems to have a good ear for music so there is no reason why he should be so stuck the way he is. What really made this album listenable for me was the production (despite being computer generated) The subject matter and his singing was average and at times mediocre.

We will have to disagree on this as well because I feel like he has grown somewhat. He didn't make a drastic experimental change that I feel you want from him but he matured a bit and you can tell with his subject matter/lyrics that he's a newlywed and in that honeymoon phase of being in a mature relationship.


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 1353038)
I was just making another arguement that is unfornately true for most male and female black R&B singers. Its crazy how a white man can be successful making R&B but majority of these African American soul/ R&B singers cannot cross over or achieve the same level of success (if they choose to sing traditional R&B) despite having overall better R&B music and talent than their white counterparts who make the same type of music.

The audience just isn't there for traditional R&B to make cross over success.


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 1353038)
No a review I read argued that Justin Timberlake was the new Sammy Davis Jr, MJ and Stevie. I have to find the article so you can read it. I read it off another forum a while back when the album was first released. Things like that is why I think the album is okay/average. I dont see how you can call someone the new Stevie Wonder when they dont sing, write or play any instruments exceptionally well.

So you think it's only okay/average because of the comparison that they are making? Also, I don't really like the attitude that people get when a new artist is compared to their favorites. The same thing happens with say The Beatles. Some reviewers will throw around and name drop artists like they are buzzwords but I don't see a problem with doing that. The new artist doesn't have to match up and be as perfect as the person they are being compared to.


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 1353038)
The reviews I read implied Justin was doing something "innovative". I promise you I am not making this up lol It was a huge debate on another forum months ago "" because of all these overrated reviews this album was getting.

You are totally making that up lol. Produce this mysterious review and I shall see for myself with my own eyes.


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 1353038)
The average casual music listener is not going to research or dig for other types of music. If you categorize this more specifically and focus on the average music listerner from the ages of 16-24, they are definitly not going to research. There is no win/win this case because most casual listerners dont take the time to research about truths or challenge what the media presents to them. I am not arguing this is the case for EVERYBODY but just speaking on the CASUAL music listener in that age range.

Why are you so concerned with what the average casual music listener thinks anyways? They take everything they consume at face value and leave at that. They won't notice little nuances and influences from other artists.


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 1353038)
You mean the soul/funk section? Does R&B have its own section outside of soul/funk? I am really looking forward to listening to "The Electric Lady" :) I really love the first two singles off her new album so far. "Queen ft. Erykah Badu" is a very funky track that you cant help but groove to and Dance Apolocaptic is a fun dance tune. I thought her Archandroid album was criminally criminally underrated. I think its one of the best albums that has came out this decade.

R&B is lumped into the Hip Hop section instead of the Soul/Funk section. Also, I see that you stumbled across the thread that someone posted in the pop section 3 years ago.


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 1353038)
You're right but alot of great artists do not have the same luxury of having a multi million dollar label backing them. In other words, its not so much about the artist "specficially" and more to do with their label, management team etc.

All artists can't all have as much label backing as everyone else. It's never going to be a level playing field. An artist should recognize this and just continue the make the music that they love whether they gain a large following from it or not.


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 1353038)
Awww lol thats nice of you to say especially after what I did to you in that Jay Z thread lol Didnt mean it personally, just very opinionated when it comes to music. This seems like a really interesting and fun thread!! Gonna definitly check it out and give input, thanks! :afro:

That's why we clashed, you are opinionated when it comes to music and I'm opinionated when it comes to everything even if I don't have strong arguments I still like to speak my mind and get out what I need to say.

Soulflower 08-05-2013 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1353518)
We will have to disagree on this as well because I feel like he has grown somewhat. He didn't make a drastic experimental change that I feel you want from him but he matured a bit and you can tell with his subject matter/lyrics that he's a newlywed and in that honeymoon phase of being in a mature relationship.

Fair enough :)


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1353518)
The audience just isn't there for traditional R&B to make cross over success.

You're right.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1353518)
So you think it's only okay/average because of the comparison that they are making?

No. That is not the ONLY reason. I dont think the album lives up to the hype and even if it wasnt as hyped, I still would think it was okay because its not really new material from him.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1353518)
Also, I don't really like the attitude that people get when a new artist is compared to their favorites. The same thing happens with say The Beatles. Some reviewers will throw around and name drop artists like they are buzzwords but I don't see a problem with doing that. The new artist doesn't have to match up and be as perfect as the person they are being compared to.

I have a problem with it because its not true. Justin could have been compared to Frank Zappa lol and I still would question the comparision. If a magazine is implying that Justin Timberlake is on the same level as Stevie Wonder and that his music is on the same level then you better believe I am going to be extra critical LOL since his music and talent is being put on a really high pedestal.

Your last statement is funny because I actually agree with it but the magazines are doing the exact opposite of what you are implying. They are putting these singers on a pedestal that it out of their league.

I dont see why artists cant strive to be THEIR best or be their OWN artist. It seems nowadays these artists have to be compared to past great artists to garner attention. They have to model and copy past artists which is partially the reason why they never grow as artists because there constantly being told they are "just like so and so" or "they are like a young so and so" I just think its disrespectful to those legendary artists because it waterdowns their talent and abilities.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1353518)
You are totally making that up lol. Produce this mysterious review and I shall see for myself with my own eyes.

Here is one of the articles where they compare him to Sammy Davis Jr
Justin Timberlake, Our Sammy Davis Jr. - Hampton Stevens - The Atlantic


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1353518)
Why are you so concerned with what the average casual music listener thinks anyways? They take everything they consume at face value and leave at that. They won't notice little nuances and influences from other artists.

I am not concerned with casual listeners but you implied that everyone knows that Justin Timberlake is copying late 70s and early 80s artists on this new album and I disagreed and gave an example. There are some people that believe that what he is doing is original. It would be easy for a young casual music listener to think that (since artists like MJ, Stevie, Marvin Gaye,Earth Wind and Fire etc) are before their time.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1353518)
R&B is lumped into the Hip Hop section instead of the Soul/Funk section. Also, I see that you stumbled across the thread that someone posted in the pop section 3 years ago.

Yea Im glad I did because I was just about to make a thread on her. lol


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1353518)
All artists can't all have as much label backing as everyone else. It's never going to be a level playing field. An artist should recognize this and just continue the make the music that they love whether they gain a large following from it or not.

I agree.

I just think its unfornate that the industry chooses to promote and market generic music instead of artists who make quality music.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1353518)
That's why we clashed, you are opinionated when it comes to music and I'm opinionated when it comes to everything even if I don't have strong arguments I still like to speak my mind and get out what I need to say.

Likewise. If you dont stand for something you'll fall for anything.

justinodunn 08-05-2013 10:41 PM

nice review! loved suit and tie :P

TheUnusualMusical 08-09-2013 11:40 AM

great review man..think at 6.5 rating is just about right

misspoptart 08-10-2013 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by TheUnusualMusical (Post 1355236)
great review man..think at 6.5 rating is just about right

I like it when people call me "man." Thanks for the feedback, and I'm glad you agree. You've commented on a few threads that I'm keeping tabs on so maybe we have similar taste! Stick around?

ratthetat 11-07-2014 03:38 PM

Great review. JT is my man crush and is great in all that he does. Some really great tracks. And totally right how there is a bit of Marvin Gaye in the song That Girl. Great Review.

misspoptart 11-12-2014 01:02 PM

Thanks broski. ^^ :love:

Zhanteimi 11-22-2014 04:39 AM

Mirrors sucks ass. It describes the opposite of what love is.

misspoptart 11-22-2014 07:38 AM

Yikes, sorry you feel that way. I think love is different for everybody.

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