Oracular Spectacular- One-hit mainstreams? (lyrics, electronic, dance, drum, indie) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 02-28-2009, 09:56 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Oracular Spectacular- One-hit mainstreams?

The Management (MGMT) - Oracular Spectacular (2007)
-What I expected vs. what they are. You can decide.

I'd like to start off by saying that about a year-&-a-1/2ish ago, when I was sitting doing drugs with my friends, this song "Time to Pretend" came on the television, amazed me, and then left. To me it sound like it was all about the glory and wonders of drugs. I was so ****ing dumb back then. Enjoy my album review!

1. Time to Pretend (4:21)
The albums opening track was also their first single. My personal feelings for this song are not influenced by its short-lived fame. Kaboom! Time to Pretend kicks the album off with with some inspiring mainstream sounding music- but not without a feeling of "something very special". The lyrics, in its fame, were probably mass misinterpreted as purely drug-glorifying. If you actually listen to it, though, you would realize the atmosphere and the lyrics combine and both make a point. It isn't all drug-glorifying.

2. Weekend Wars (4:12)
The second song is pretty damn good. Andrew VanWyngarden and Ben Goldwasser start to show off their ability to come together and make well-written progressive lyrics. On top of that, their music is different somehow. I think a feeling of "specialness" predominates throughout the entire album.

3. The Youth (3:48)
The feeling is louder then the chorus. Pretty good I'd say for a couple college guys who accidentally started a band. A psychadelically peaceful atmosphere, and of course the lyrics to back it up. I haven't heard a song like this on the radio since The Beatles were playing like mad when Across the Universe came out.

4. Electric Feel (3:50)
This song is easy to dance to, but not great in comparison to their potential. The fact that this made it as a single is what makes me believe "Time to Pretend" was misinterpreted by the masses. They must be out of thier mind, but, to each is own!

5. Kids (5:03)
What is this song about? What is it about! I don't know, but it's catchy and emotional. The sound of children in the beggening gives you the eerie feeling of early childhood and the beat bleeds into it, this makes for chills down your spine. The lyrics are beautiful and touching. Overall; it's a powerful combination of great diction, musical talent, and good timing. The ending leaves you with goosebumps.

Okay. In my oppinion, this is where the album starts to change for the better. There are no singles past this point, and things start to sound different. That "something special" is still there, but is used differently.

6. 4th Dimensional Transition (3:58)
Getting a little more out there. Too out there for the radio anyway. The lyrics have gone through metamorphasis and are now pure poetry. The music becomes more progressive, and easily sweeps you from your skin. These songs are the ones which make me want to keep an eye on them; watch them evolve.

7. Pieces of What (2:44)
Unlike "Time to Pretend", this song doesn't start off with euphony. I like it better this way. If it wasn't for songs like this I would never have taken a second look at Time to Pretend anyway. It's a bit different feel then the rest of the album, but still a pretty good song.

9. Of Moons, Birds, and Monsters (4:47)
Starts off with a drum beat and a quick pop! Then goes through various transitions, all pretty close in sound. In this song I like: the way it isn't stanza, chorus, stanza, chorus, etc, the guitar, the transitions, the atmosphere, the lyrics, the... well, you get the point. The song itsn't bad.

10. The Handshake (3:40)
"When you, warped temptress, rose to bring me happiness and wealth" This is my favorite song from the album. I'm biased though, I relate to it a lot. These lyrics are seriously amazing, it tells a beautiful story and is very powerful.

11. Future reflections (4:00)
Energy! Then the clam singing of poetry. Transitions, electric pschyadelia, and some more busts of energy. The song doesn't threatan to momentarily zone you out, it just goes ahead and does it. Before the last thirty seconds it peaks, and slowly drops you down to the end of an album filled with talent.

Overall, I'm leaving the album up to you. I'm sure by now you have gathered I think they really have something special, and that I hope to see more of them. Though I'm not sure if I ever will. Them seem to be gone.

The song is only on the Vinyl:
12. Metanoia (13:49)
Not at all like the other songs, this song starts off very calming and quiet. More poetry lyrics, beautiful of course. On top of that, they show a better use of instraments in this song. It very slowly starts gaining momentum, then, around 90 seconds gets more interesting, defenitly more intersting... Boom! Instantly there's a bullet of emotion, and some really good music! ..then some random talking for a few seconds... then some crazy jamming. Anyway, it's a very intersting song. Listen to it.

Last edited by Schizotypic; 03-05-2009 at 12:26 PM.
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Old 02-28-2009, 02:00 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Good review but I just cannot get into this album at all.

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Old 02-28-2009, 02:24 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Thumbs up in regards to the oracular spectacular and the one who started it.

Thank you... i don't get to hear 4 to 5 new bands a day, and since i've been here checking out this "MB" as you, and your compatriots of the cool avitar names, reefer (spelling carefuly chosen) to this wonderful place as... i say thanx again. oracular spectacular is a great f'n name excuse' moi' france', i just love sayin' it.... listening to it...o.k., i dig that too. i've listened to the Beatles enough (highasabeagle and twice as frisky) to know true lovers of that "Beatles thing" and i'll always figure that if i saw 'em at a party we'd hit it off, or at least hit it several times ( tongue firmly planted in cheek) As soon as time to pretend started, i felt the presence of the fab 4 ,kids was cool and alot start of too slow, but if david bowie and john lennon got together and had a love child they'd a named it handshake, so thats good enough for me, if there on playlist.com i'll add 'em now gotta go. P>S>looks they have great times at the photo sessions for jacket layout...hey dude lets party (best jeff spiccolli voice)
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Old 02-28-2009, 02:58 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
Good review but I just cannot get into this album at all.
Same. They've made way for a few clones, all of whom I dislike even more.
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Old 02-28-2009, 03:29 PM   #5 (permalink)
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I am wondering Mr. Jackhammer,how do you find the current state of this mello folksy kinda re-birth ( after-birth?) that is starting to shape the "american whine all the time scene", in regards to music that is... not current events, dear Lord no, not enough time. I'm asking if new electronical balladeros are going to replace the psuedo jack johnsons and will the whitest of stripes be darkened by this happy, happy joy joy trend, or am i completely pissed? I'd also relish P. Nouveau's opinion as well, which phase of the cycle or re-cycle are we currently in... does it compare to when glam metal of hollywood 80's were understroked by grunge?
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Last edited by 7gaugejames; 02-28-2009 at 03:33 PM. Reason: just to show P.Nouveau i'm learning
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Old 02-28-2009, 11:36 PM   #6 (permalink)
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I think it's a very good electro pop album, although I am drawn to listen to it less and less. This review has motivated me to spend more time with the back end of the album.

I disagree about Time to Pretend being misinterpreted, the satire is laid on pretty heavy.
On the subject of singles, how can you not like Electric Feel? It's a great dance track and probably the best song on the album, Weekend Wars is close to it though.
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Old 03-01-2009, 12:13 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Fruitonica View Post
I think it's a very good electro pop album, although I am drawn to listen to it less and less. This review has motivated me to spend more time with the back end of the album.

I disagree about Time to Pretend being misinterpreted, the satire is laid on pretty heavy.
On the subject of singles, how can you not like Electric Feel? It's a great dance track and probably the best song on the album, Weekend Wars is close to it though.
Happy to see that I motivated someone, I'm very eager to hear what you think about the second half of the album in comparison to the first. As for Time to Pretend. Yeah, I agree, to anyone who actually listened to the entire lyrics it's obvious what the message was. I'm just saying with all the publicity it got I don't know how many people got past the first four lines.

Last edited by Schizotypic; 03-01-2009 at 12:34 AM.
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Old 03-01-2009, 12:44 AM   #8 (permalink)
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YouTube - MGMT - Metanoia
YouTube - MGMT - Metanoia Part 2

Before Oracular Spectacular
YouTube - MGMT - We Don't Care

ANdrew looks like he was frying balls every other day in this interview. I wouldn't be suprised.
YouTube - MGMT Interview

Last edited by Schizotypic; 03-01-2009 at 01:08 AM.
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Old 03-01-2009, 12:47 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Mass marketed faux-indie drivel aimed at all my friends.
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Old 03-01-2009, 02:40 AM   #10 (permalink)
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I disagree that they're 'faux indie'. That doesn't come across in either their image or music.
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