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mark1990celtic1888 02-26-2008 02:02 PM

Biffy Clyro: Puzzle
1. Living Is A Problem Because Everything Dies
2. Saturday Superhouse
3. Who's Got A Match
4. As Dust Dances/Two Fifteenths
5. Whole Child Ago
6. Conversation Is
7. Now I'm Everyone
8. Semi Mental/Four Fifteenths
9. Love Has A Diameter
10. Get ****ed Stud
11. Folding Stars
12. Nine Fifteenths
13. Machines

Year Formed:1995
Major Label:14th Floor
Prior Label's:Beggers Bonquet,Roadrunner
Band Members: Simon Neil,James Johnston,Ben Johnston
Prior Albums:Infinity Land,The Vertigo Of Bliss,Blackened Sky.

Release Date for Puzzle:2007

Biffy Clyro: Puzzle

From under the noses of the Scottish Music Industry became a band who never say die attitude has earned them a cult faithful that is unparalleled. As prior records speak of mediocrity, there newly sealed album is beyond any past exploits. A record crammed full of emotional songs that emphasize conflict, melodic exploitation and impact. With a free flowing underlining that converts your unsurpassed happiness and opens the valve that holds that tingling emotion. Maybe am sounding very theatrically involved? But this album is something ultimately brilliant, lashed in creativity and flamboyance overlapped by the sense of unity. As I leaped vigoursly into a sea of ever defining musical experimentation, I never imagined such a complete album. Puzzle is awesomely worked, the riff of ultra modern indie incorporated quite wonderfully with the hint of tearful mellow dramatic clichés. And that’s not a disowning pop at the Scottish contingent, but a definition of the ever growing rock/indie culture.

Biffy Previously never hit the tune of mainstream, they crafted records that never seemed to work, that kept them wandering underground. There inferior lookout offered no consolation to there upbeat personalities, they just wanted to create something that breathed special. Normality was never in there musical vibe, they just lacked that quality to succeed. Puzzle has opened that fresh inventory of ideas; it burned out the cob webs of past records and set a scene, a new road to biffy’s dreams.

The intro of Puzzle is large and hostile, it drags you in and takes you on a rollercoaster of future head bashing. Its clean start offers a true motive, a true sense hard craft and superiority. The rollercoaster starts to slow as emotion offers its hand, songs of such graceful status become embroiled and overcome the fast paced grunge, and replace them quite rapidly with sweet mellow gems. Saturday night super house literary blows away the feeling of morning awakening, who needs coffee when you have this blast of energy. A song you could never grow sick of, that seems to be the feeling on every track puzzled together in this record.

Scotland is forging a sustainable reputation in the music circuit, and Biffy’s inclusion has produced the gloss cover on the box of tuneful treats. Travis, the Frattelis, the View have showed that Scotland’s not only famous for deep fried marsbars and the animal that treks across the highlands. And our fall from grace has been rekindled with passionate people who just want to perform there brave hearts out.

The harmonic contributions on the record are abiding by the phenomenon of relationships gone as sour as milk on the turn. Composed beautifully as Beethoven’s finest work, the tear infused machines is the song that listeners can reflect to. It’s a lyrically immaculate piece with a greatly worked chorus which floods the ears with complete sentiment.

Supringly effective, puzzle is harshly underrated. Its true magic is not fully respected by critics; its involving core is never quite noticed. Maybe it’s because Biffy aren’t motivated with egotistical beliefs or arrogance, or maybe it’s because people won’t try something new! In my opinion Biffy leads the new crop of genuine talent that are sure to make damn good music!! Enough said.

By Mark McConville

jackhammer 02-26-2008 02:52 PM

Unfortunately a review with the names: TRAVIS, THE FRATELLIS and THE VIEW loses immediate credibility.

.Tom. 02-26-2008 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 447881)
Unfortunately a review with the names: TRAVIS, THE FRATELLIS and THE VIEW loses immediate credibility.

I don't often argue with these sort of posts but c'mon, that was hardly good discussion. They were mentioned briefly, and without musical comparison so there isn't much reason to dismiss a review for the mention of a few bands - which, in my opinion, is shallow anyway because tastes can differ, Biffy Clyro could easily appeal to fans of stated bands as much as it could appeal to people who aren't fans of those bands.

I don't mean to offend or anything, but it just seems discouraging for a new member to post a review just to have it dismissed by such a comment. Sorry if I annoyed you with that tirade. Maybe I'm just nit-picky.

Anyway, on topic: I really like this album. At first I found them pretty bland, but then I watched them live and was impressed. Puzzle's a really good, intricate album, definitely one of my favourites of 2007.

Farfisa 02-27-2008 01:03 AM

ahhhh.....yet another horrid band

mark1990celtic1888 02-27-2008 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 448125)
ahhhh.....yet another horrid band

that looks like a nasty cut.

Biffy rule the roost of culture stained music, there determination and fanatical fanbase are hard to compare with any other indie band. what stuff do you listen to?


Originally Posted by .Tom. (Post 447989)
I don't often argue with these sort of posts but c'mon, that was hardly good discussion. They were mentioned briefly, and without musical comparison so there isn't much reason to dismiss a review for the mention of a few bands - which, in my opinion, is shallow anyway because tastes can differ, Biffy Clyro could easily appeal to fans of stated bands as much as it could appeal to people who aren't fans of those bands.

I don't mean to offend or anything, but it just seems discouraging for a new member to post a review just to have it dismissed by such a comment. Sorry if I annoyed you with that tirade. Maybe I'm just nit-picky.

Anyway, on topic: I really like this album. At first I found them pretty bland, but then I watched them live and was impressed. Puzzle's a really good, intricate album, definitely one of my favourites of 2007.

Thanks for the helping hand Tom, at least you can spot potential in a band.

Farfisa 02-27-2008 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by mark1990celtic1888 (Post 448141)
that looks like a nasty cut.

Biffy rule the roost of culture stained music, there determination and fanatical fanbase are hard to compare with any other indie band. what stuff do you listen to?


Originally Posted by mark1990celtic1888 (Post 448142)
Thanks for the helping hand Tom, at least you can spot potential in a band.

the multi quote button is there for a reason

Rubberchicken 02-28-2008 10:26 PM

Been a fan since their debut and this was the first album that made me hit the stop button before it was over.
It freaked me out then as I slowly heard songs from having my music collection on random and I slowly got used to it and would find them getting stuck in my head.
So I put it on my mp3 player and listened to it up close before bed one evening and BAM it made sense.
From the opening track with the building unexpected hits (which now make sense, very biffy). The second half has a few tracks that are still growing on me.
It's a lot more straight forward than previous albums and it's not their best yet.. but its still a good biffy album. Can't see it making too many new fans though. I still wouldn't play it at a party.

mark1990celtic1888 02-28-2008 11:37 PM

I agree with you in some aspects. Biffy's previous albums were never given the chance to bloom. They have recieved more air space with puzzle. I think puzzles is a groundbreaking achievement. hope you liked the review.

jackhammer 02-29-2008 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by .Tom. (Post 447989)
I don't often argue with these sort of posts but c'mon, that was hardly good discussion. They were mentioned briefly, and without musical comparison so there isn't much reason to dismiss a review for the mention of a few bands - which, in my opinion, is shallow anyway because tastes can differ, Biffy Clyro could easily appeal to fans of stated bands as much as it could appeal to people who aren't fans of those bands.

I don't mean to offend or anything, but it just seems discouraging for a new member to post a review just to have it dismissed by such a comment. Sorry if I annoyed you with that tirade. Maybe I'm just nit-picky.

Anyway, on topic: I really like this album. At first I found them pretty bland, but then I watched them live and was impressed. Puzzle's a really good, intricate album, definitely one of my favourites of 2007.

You have'nt offended me at all. Those bands do though, but I agree that is was a short reply HOWEVER I have been in PM with the reviewer a couple of times so no harm done. For the record I prefer Infinity Land to Puzzle. It's a lot rawer.

mark1990celtic1888 02-29-2008 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 449068)
You have'nt offended me at all. Those bands do though, but I agree that is was a short reply HOWEVER I have been in PM with the reviewer a couple of times so no harm done. For the record I prefer Infinity Land to Puzzle. It's a lot rawer.

why do those bands offend you?

jackhammer 02-29-2008 01:36 PM

Because they all make bland unoriginal music. Many will disagree, many will agree.

Lizzie 02-29-2008 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 449068)
HOWEVER I have been in PM with the reviewer a couple of times so no harm done. For the record I prefer Infinity Land to Puzzle. It's a lot rawer.

That guy PMed me a million times
Just 'cause I said I didn't like his review


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 449096)
Because they all make bland unoriginal music. Many will disagree, many will agree.

IIIIIIII certinaly agreeee

jackhammer 02-29-2008 04:28 PM

I will sort the PM situ out for you.

Lizzie 02-29-2008 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 449153)
I will sort the PM situ out for you.

Well I think he's stopped now
I hope
I kept telling him over and over again to :rolleyes:

mark1990celtic1888 02-29-2008 06:21 PM

you people are so centred around egotistical beleifs. these sites are forums, they are sociable areas for people to talk about music. You two are so damn arrogant that its unreal. i think those reviews contain character, interest, and great information. i think you need to grow up and get out more!!!

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-29-2008 06:24 PM

People don't like the band , no need to take it personally.

Rubberchicken 02-29-2008 10:20 PM

So is this thread still about biffy Clyro or ?

mark1990celtic1888 03-01-2008 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by Rubberchicken (Post 449265)
So is this thread still about biffy Clyro or ?

yeah, well in a abusive sense.

jackhammer 03-01-2008 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by mark1990celtic1888 (Post 449228)
you people are so centred around egotistical beleifs. these sites are forums, they are sociable areas for people to talk about music. You two are so damn arrogant that its unreal. i think those reviews contain character, interest, and great information. i think you need to grow up and get out more!!!

What is your problem? Because I don't like the bands that were mentioned you have a hissy fit. I have not mentioned at any time the actual review and my views pertaining to it. I made a (admittedly) flippant remark but I have already commented on that. You smack of arrogance if you cannot handle any crticism. i have reviewed Pink Floyd on another thread and all comments are appreciated good or bad. Complaining if someone has a different view to you with the retort "damn arrogant" is arrogance itself.

You have PMd fellow members if they have replied to your thread (including myself) which could lead to a ban because you are spamming PM box's. Of course I am not going to do this because debate should be encouraged, however you have to accept different views or at least provide a good counter argument and not call people arrogant and egotistical.

I hope this draws a line underneath it now.

Rubberchicken 03-02-2008 05:56 AM

The question is... does this:-


Originally Posted by mark1990celtic1888 (Post 447862)
... Travis, the Frattelis, the View have showed that Scotland’s not only famous for deep fried marsbars and the animal that treks across the highlands. ...

Warrrant this:-


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 447881)
Unfortunately a review with the names: TRAVIS, THE FRATELLIS and THE VIEW loses immediate credibility.

bit harsh?

Regardless of what was said between mark and jackhammer in PM it was said in a public forum where people such as I (a biffy clyro and review fan) have to read it.
Even though everyone is (pretty much) allowed to share their opinion there are some comments that will create a backlash and some that won't, it's having the hindsight to see it coming and the conviction to justify it that will stop people thinking you're a tosser.
Even though nothing negative was said about BC it was an incredibly narrowminded/unfunny comment to add. All it accomplished was to highlight how narrowminded jackhammer is.
I don't know jackhammer from a bar of soap but on first impressions I know that from now on whenever I read a comment made my him I shall think back to the narrowminded comment he made in the BC: puzzle thread, it that too harsh?
Personally I think the review was outstanding and I feel that the only credibility that was lost in this thread was that of jackhammers.
But hey thats just my opinion.

P.s. can I also add another jackhammer quote from another thread


The comp sounds tasty Mr Nic. Keep contributing as quality posters help the rep of the site.
Take some of your own advice.

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-02-2008 05:59 AM

Not liking Travis, The Frattelis and The view doesn't make someone narrow minded. It just means that mentioning those 3 bands in a review would put you off listening to that album.

People are blowing this way out of proportion.

jackhammer 03-02-2008 06:05 AM

It is becoming rather tiresome and what Urban says is exactly that. I think you will find that Im one of the most open minded people on here. As I said in a previous post, a line has been drawn underneath it and as a new poster i think it's a bit harsh judging me on one post.

Rubberchicken 03-02-2008 06:07 AM

On what grounds? They wern't even compared to BC. If he is to discredit the review that easierly then yes he is narrowminded.
Think of it like this...
What if it was your band and some punk kid came up and said that what would you think? or say?
And yeah it is out of proportion, so ...whatev. Right?

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-02-2008 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by Rubberchicken (Post 449624)
What if it was your band and some punk kid came up and said that what would you think? or say?

I would NEVER be in a band that played generic indie.

Good day.

Rubberchicken 03-02-2008 06:16 AM

hahahah you're as bad as each other!!!
hahhah yeah and for the record they're not indie. :nono:
Can I call you moron or would that just drag me down to your level?

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-02-2008 06:21 AM

You could call me a moron of you like but it would just destroy the credibility of your self righteousness , seeing as everybody in this thread has managed to not decend into personal abuse.

And I would say all 4 of those bands could be covered under the modern generic indie rock term in some way or another , regardless of whether they actually are or not.

jackhammer 03-02-2008 06:27 AM

I noticed as soon as they started calling people names they went offline. Tut.

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-02-2008 06:29 AM

I noticed that mark1990celtic1888 has the same IP as ADELE

jackhammer 03-02-2008 06:40 AM

Good call sir. Hmmm the plot thickens

sleepy jack 03-02-2008 10:29 AM

You have to love it when people get all pissy over negative opinions. Here's another one for you, these guys are nothing but an Idlewild rip off and Idlewild were shit to begin with.

mark1990celtic1888 03-02-2008 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 449639)
I noticed that mark1990celtic1888 has the same IP as ADELE

yeah funny, am laughing so much my eyes are popping from there sockets. grow up you immature girl.

mark1990celtic1888 03-02-2008 11:24 AM

at least rubberchicken knows what he is talking about. am very sorry for starting to see people's true motives and immaturity on this site.

jackhammer 03-02-2008 11:27 AM

You do have the same IP as another user on here which is puzzling is it a university computer?

ProggyMan 03-02-2008 11:40 AM

Half the review doesn't make sense, or have nothing to with the music.

mark1990celtic1888 03-02-2008 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 449702)
You do have the same IP as another user on here which is puzzling is it a university computer?

no! but i'm currently using my ps3 at the moment because my wireless device is broken on my laptop.

mark1990celtic1888 03-02-2008 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 449706)
Half the review doesn't make sense, or have nothing to with the music.

please tell me a relevant reason in why my review doesn't make sense?

ProggyMan 03-02-2008 11:44 AM

This isn't trying to be mean ok. Stop trying to sound smart and actually think about what you're saying. Melodic exploitation?

Lizzie 03-02-2008 11:46 AM

Some of the sentences aren't even full sentences, there are lots grammar and spelling mistakes, and you using far too many overbloated terms

mark1990celtic1888 03-02-2008 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 449710)
This isn't trying to be mean ok. Stop trying to sound smart and actually think about what you're saying. Melodic exploitation?

are you overlooking my work, because you can't think of terms of such expression?

ProggyMan 03-02-2008 11:53 AM

Get over yourself. You have bad grammar, and you don't sound poetic in the least.

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