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Ace 12-17-2007 09:05 PM

Once again, I said now that you've explained why you felt it filler, that is all ****in' fine and dandy. And once again, I will say, YOU SHOULD HAVE ****IN' SAID IT IN THE FIRST POST. Did you get that?
But no really, answer me. Why bother posting here to begin with? You haven't bothered posting in this over a year old thread yet, and when you did, it was just to knock the band without providing any reason as to why. (Which you did later, and quite well I might add, so let's both drop the ****.) It is getting quite old.

sleepy jack 12-17-2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 423102)
Once again, I said now that you've explained why you felt it filler, that is all ****in' fine and dandy. And once again, I will say, YOU SHOULD HAVE ****IN' SAID IT IN THE FIRST POST. Did you get that?
But no really, answer me. Why bother posting here to begin with? You haven't bothered posting in this over a year old thread yet, and when you did, it was just to knock the band without providing any reason as to why. (Which you did later, and quite well I might add, so let's both drop the ****.) It is getting quite old.

Because I am bored and when I am bored I look to debate music, this is a music forum if you don't want people posting in certain threads make a private forum. I expanded on my points and explained them, you didn't even bother replying to them you just went on and on about the same thing. You're the reason this is 'getting quite old' because you're the one who kept debating it for three pages now even when I tried to turn it back to music and back to my posts, which I'm still trying to do and you're still avoiding doing.

Ace 12-17-2007 09:10 PM

Would you explain how me giving points as to why the song isn't filler, is not backing up my musical argument?
Are you braindead, or what? Try reading what I posted before you ever even posted in the thread.
I made my argument on this song, right there. If I need to repost, I will.


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 422855)
To say Right In Two is filler, shows that you've got absolutely no clue.
It's perhaps the most meaningful song on the cd, save Vicarious.
The lyrics speak for themselves.

"Angels on the sideline,
Baffled and confused
Father blessed them all with reason
And this is what they choose
Monkey killing monkey killing monkey
Over pieces of the ground

Silly monkeys give them thumbs,
They forge a blade, and where there's one
They're bound to divide it,
Right in two"

"Monkey killing monkey killing monkey
Over pieces of the ground
Silly monkeys give them thumbs
They make a club and beat their brother down
How they survive so misguided is a mystery"

Seriously, you call this filler?

As far as the music itself, it provides a fantastic mood for the lyrics.
There is my argument for the song, once again, re-presented.

sleepy jack 12-17-2007 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 423110)
Would you explain how me giving points as to why the song isn't filler, is not backing up my musical argument?
Are you braindead, or what? Try reading what I posted before you ever even posted in the thread.
I made my argument on this song, right there. If I need to repost, I will.

You posted the lyrics and said that is the reason the song isn't a filler because the lyrics are so meaningful.

"To say Right In Two is filler, shows that you've got absolutely no clue.
It's perhaps the most meaningful song on the cd, save Vicarious.
The lyrics speak for themselves."

To which I replied: "Lyrics don't save a song, it doesn't take a fan to realize that. When someone calls something filler you can go on about it being unique and fans liking it or whatever that's valid, going "it has good lyrics!11" doesn't change anything, especially when the lyrics really aren't that good."

That is countering your logic in saying it isn't filler.

"The lyrics are banal, comparing man to monkey is extremely cliche. Maynard isn't a good lyricist, Tool fanboys go on and on about how he's amazing but he's really not, he's completely average, that song is no exception. I can think of several songs about war that are way better written then that. Your Revolution is a Joke is a fairly recent one by a mediocre band (Funeral for a Friend) and even THEY do better."

And that is countering how 'good' the lyrics themselves are.

tkpb938 12-17-2007 09:15 PM

Tool is amazing. They're one of the few bands left whose greatest asset is subtlety...

BTW Crowquill I would prefer that you say in my opinion rather than simply stating what you think is a "fact".

It is your opinion that maynard is a terrible lyricist, and you are entitled to that. However, my opinion is of the contrary and since music is gray area no one can simply state one thing is better than another.

Ace 12-17-2007 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by tkpb938 (Post 423114)
Tool is amazing. They're one of the few bands left whose greatest asset is subtlety...

Amen. That also shows quite a bit in Right In Two.
Subtelty has always been a strong point with them, and that combined with cleverness, are some main reasons why I like the band.

sleepy jack 12-17-2007 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by tkpb938 (Post 423114)
Tool is amazing. They're one of the few bands left whose greatest asset is subtlety...

BTW Crowquill I would prefer that you say in my opinion rather than simply stating what you think is a "fact".

It is your opinion that maynard is a terrible lyricist, and you are entitled to that. However, my opinion is of the contrary and since music is gray area no one can simply state one thing is better than another.

Why should I state in my opinion? The lyrics are cliche, fact, monkey being used as a metaphor for man has been overdone the most recent example of this I can think of is "It's a Hit" by Rilo Kiley. Something being done a lot throughout lyrical history = cliche. That's not subjective, I stated my opinion intelligently and backed it up. Since it's my post it's implied it's my opinion.

Ace 12-17-2007 09:40 PM

Well then, I'm glad that's settled. I would normally agree on the monkey matter being cliche, but the message they convey and the way that they wrote it, seems good to me. I have yet to hear another band compare man's warlike nature, to what happened in Eden. I'm not being biased because I'm a fan, I'm just acknowledging the overall song as a whole. Everyone has different opinions, and if we didn't, it would make discussions quite dull.

sleepy jack 12-17-2007 09:44 PM

Bob Dylan did it decades ago and they only lightly touch on Eden in that song.

Ace 12-17-2007 09:50 PM

Who lightly touches? And I haven't really heard much of Dylan. Even so, writing on Eden isn't copyrighted or anything. Kinda like Springsteen and his plethora of car songs, along with every other band having atleast one song about being in a car. Topics are going to get old, bands just have to be creative with it.

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