Originally Posted by c91329
Like I said Michael Jackson never hurted those children. They lied on him and all they wanted was money. You can't judge or accuse a innocent person. If someone accused you and took your money would you be upset too? think before you judge a person like God said don't judge. Love one another. 
How are you so sure he didn't do anything to some kids? were you there at his ranch every time he had kids over? do you have some sort of insider info and why didn't you go to court to be a witness for the defense? Jesus Juice doesn't exist either am I right?
people can judge whomever they want whenever they want. it happens every single day not sure what fantasy world you are living in. Why would he even NEED to pay them to be quiet? I don't think you can stop to actually think between the lines of what really happened. You fanboy for him too much to do that. God says don't judge right then why is it that some Christians feel the need to constantly judge gay people? you know what don't even answer that last question because this will get super off topic.