Originally Posted by skaltezon
Let's see . . . not Alabama . . . I'll have to go with Calvary Bible College and Theological Seminary. That would explain yer insatiable interest in religion. 
Well, the carrot's out of the bag now!

Being a Calvary Bible College student was tough. First, I had to lie about my convictions. Second, since I was raised to be a member of the "tongues movement," I faced some tough times there, since Calvary is *not* a supporter of those of us of the "tongues persuasion," as they like to say:
Convictions - Calvary Bible College.
Originally Posted by skaltezon
Consider it yours.
Good one. Here's another: Street Fighting Man - The Rolling Stones
Thank you, skaltezon.
And I don't know if I've ever heard "Street Fighting Man" before. If I have, it was so long ago that the song seemed new to me. I could hardly tell that a sitar was hiding out in the song. I think it added some sparkly notes but I had difficulty picking out the instrument from the mix.
BTW, we've had some street fights and riots in Iowa. Beer + Boredom + Corn = Hitting, apparently. Even a stabbing or two. Yep, we're tough, we Iowans.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan
I recommend you watch "The Italian Job" before you see "Monster" (both '03) just to see the contrast of Charlize Theron's characters, to appreciate her both for the transformation she went through for the part and range of her acting.
I didn't know you like the Rolling Stones, one of my favorite songs is Back Street Girl, the music is melancholy, and some of the lyrics are condescending, which could make you feel sorry the girl.
I'll check out "The Italian Job." Thanks for the recommendation, Neapolitan!
Yes, I *do* like the Rolling Stones, but I'm realizing I must not have heard a lot of their songs. I've seen them in concert twice, but obviously I've missed out on much of their music since I'd never heard "Backstreet Girl" and didn't remember the one Skaltezon posted.
"Backstreet Girl" was sad...a very good song, I agree. Melancholy and completely condescending, like you say. The song gives an interesting character study of the sort of person who would want a backstreet girl, someone he's not proud of and doesn't want openly in his life.
I can imagine her humiliation that someone wants to take from her and not give anything of value (love, respect, interest). What I find saddest about the song, though, is that the man seems to want to treat the people in his life shabbily. He isn't terribly concerned by what he is doing. He isn't malicious, but he isn't kind. It is painful to hear, really.