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Old 01-29-2011, 08:23 PM   #593 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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Originally Posted by Yac View Post
No offense taken my friend, it's close to impossible to offend an old (internet)trollslayer like me
Well, I'm walking around with holes in my shoes, "they're still good" and all that :P
Seriously though, I've never heard about Poles being cheap. Dirty, smelly, dumb, they're thieves (ask a German :P) - I think I could come up with more - these I heard and they are, sadly, to some extent true (like many stereotypes). But cheap ? There's an old Polish saying "zastaw się, a postaw się" which loosly translated means there may be no money to live on but there will always be enough money to dazzle your guests. And as far as I can tell, it's true.

As for Norway - apart from many of my friends working there and making amazing money, there's the Fjords (one day I will go diving there, to see the sunk U-boats), Vikings, amazingly high prices (regular bread is like 10x more expensive than here ....) and an amazingly high standard of living. Norway is often referred to here as "the Japan of europe", though quite frankly I hope you guys aren't as perverted :P
Well it was an old coworker of my fathers that said it about them (him being polish) but the more I think about it I think he was just trying to make my Dad not fee bad about not getting a promotion he did. Kind of saying, your a cheap jew, but im a cheaper polak. (I have the slightest idea how to spell that word)

I hear you on the whole impress the guest thing. One of my best friends is Bulgarian and they are so god dammed hung up on making there guests feel pampered when they enter there abode. Not that its the same country, but seems to be the same mentality.
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Last edited by Dr_Rez; 01-30-2011 at 03:32 AM.
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