Originally Posted by skaltezon
Do us a favor and don't wait until you're 63. BTW, you're confusing jail with prison. The former is for short term offenders serving less than a year, typically for misdemeanors. The latter is reserved for felons, serving anywhere from a year to life. The plastic bags you like are made by felons in the Iowa Prison Industries.
Nice choices on the music. 
Hmm...maybe I
won't wait if baring it all now means I'll earn a cool new nickname!
Thank you for correcting my misperceptions, skaltezon. Now I know that my nudity, equivalent to run-of-the-mill Iggy's, will cause me to end up in *jail* and not in *prison*...unless I'm a repeat offender. Who knew that discussing Iggy Pop's bare chest could lead to a greater understanding of the workings of the Department of Corrections?!
And yes (pleased and flabbergasted by your knowledge), you are exactly right: our black plastic lab bags
are made by none other than Iowa Prison Industries
Iowa Prison Industries Home Page . People who are inmates make all sorts of useful items, as you can see.
I wonder if Iggy had any jail or prison time. I wonder if musicians in general are an unruly lot. I prefer to rebel by living healthfully and being super nice to animals including a human or two on occasion. It appears that Iggy's rebellion was much more conventional...he was a heroine addict among other things (on-stage vomiter)...until he began his recent *real* sinister period of depravity which culminated in backstage indulgence in...tea and yoga:
Iggy Pop's conventional rock star non-vegan rebellions:
THE man born James Osterberg Jr helped redefine what it meant to be a rock 'n' roll frontman, setting the bar so high few would be able to top it. But during The Stooges brief but influential existence as the forebears of punk, Iggy would be so high on heroin that he couldn't stand up on stage. When he could stand and perform, he was known to cut himself with glass, smear himself in meat, expose himself on stage, vomit on the audience, and is also believed to have invented the stage dive.
It wasn't until the mid-'80s, after more than a decade of heavy consistent drug abuse of heroin, cocaine and LSD, that Iggy finally cleaned up. Nowadays his stage performance is far more sedate but still impressive, while backstage his indulgences involve fresh ginger-honey-and-lemon tea, yoga, and the occasional glass of wine.
Rock 'n' roll drug survivors