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Old 01-26-2011, 01:15 PM   #9 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 6

Well, i'm trying, but very few things are working for me. In fact, nothing seems to do it at all.

All's Well That Ends Well by Chiodos - This was a good album, i think you're right, and it's not dissimilar to Fall of Troy. But it doesn't do much for me. I will keep listening to it.

Alexisonfire by Alexisonfire - No, not at all. Mainstream popular sound with no balls.

Somewhere At The Bottom Of The River Between Vega And Altair by La Dispute - Briefly tried, did like some of it, hard to tell if it would last for me. Will put on my mp3 player soon.

Young Machetes by Blood Brothers - Not really
Fang Island by Fang Island - No way...

Mongrel by The Number Twelve Looks Like You - DId check them out earlier, sounded like noise to me.

Lower Definition - I like their style, but their music and lyrics do not appeal to me. It was close.

Sleeping with Sirens - no

Blood Brothers - no

Jonbenet - Mostly noise, and angry (which I like) but nothing f substance.

Dellinger Escape Plan - I like their intention, but it's almost all noise.

Circle Takes Square - I think i like what they are trying, but I don't really like it in the long run.

I gave alot of these a serious chance, and tried very hard to like them. I can't seem to do that. I guess it might help, I usually use the stuff for working out at the gym, so my only concern is what promotes a bit of adrenalin.

Strange thing, there's alot of bands that do things I like, but only on one track. One hit wonders. Probably does not help, but I'll list...

Deftones (Adrenaline album) - Root & Engine no.9
Slipknot (Subliminal Verses album) - The Blister Exists
System of a Down (self titled album) - Know
God is an Astronaut - Radau
Ultraspank - Fired
Dellinger Escape Plan (Ire Works album) - Milk Lizard
Karnivool (Persona Album) - Featherweight

Generally, Tool, Isis (Absence of Truth album), Fall of Troy, more recently some of Dance Gavin Dance. Even some of Marylin Manson and Prodigy is good.
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