I'm listening to songs by
Iggy Pop.
The reason: I had heard of Iggy Pop but never knew any of the songs he sings until I heard "Wild Child," which of course I've listened to before on the radio but never realized was by HIM.
So now I'm learning more about Iggy and am listening to more of his songs. I had no idea that he and David Bowie wrote "China Girl," which I like quite a bit. I'd never even heard the song "Candy" before today.
Somehow Iggy's low voice doesn't sound very "wild" like his image is. Still, he has a nice voice. He sounds to me like a lounge singer from the 50s....or at least what I imagine one to sound like.

Still, I like "Real Wild Child" very much and feel it is the best of his songs that I've heard so far.
Mr. Pop seems to like to not wear his shirt. Maybe that's his signature style. I remember being pissed off as a child that I had to be stuck on the "shirts" soccer team, so I'm always frustrated when I see men going around shirtless because IT IS SO DAMNED UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think being shirtless is fine; I rather like that he just goes as he is. I'm just pissed that I can't do the same without being arrested. If I made a video of ME naked from the waist up, it wouldn't be allowed on Youtube. Women have even had to fight to get Youtube to allow breastfeeding footage!!! STUPID SEXISM!!!!!!
This is why someday I plan to be arrested for nudity to protest. I've always been curious to see what a jail is like (for a short term, and for a victimless crime). Currently I know one person in jail, maybe for life. I assume Iowan jails are fairly pleasant, as far as jails go. I bought black plastic trash bags for the lab and was surprised to learn that they were made by people who are in an Iowan jail. They are nice bags. Jail might not be so bad if one has something useful or interesting one can choose to do. Of course, "choose" is the operative world. Making plastic trash bags in a factory probably isn't terribly fun.
Someday I plan to be a 63-year-old or so like Iggy, but I'll be thrown in jail because I'm shirtless in public. I look forward to that time when I finally rebel.
"Real Wild Child"
"Lust for Life" -- now, I *had* heard this song before, but never knew it was by Iggy Pop. I don't like this song:
"China Girls" -- nice song, especially David Bowie's cover, which I prefer, but their voices are pretty similar, aren't they?
"Passenger" -- I had never heard this song before today! Fun footage. There's that bare chest again.