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Old 01-26-2011, 06:53 AM   #110 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
Those of us with our own bathrooms don't really need wash our hands after a piss. First of all, it's your own bathroom. The only germs in there belong to you, and they're all up inside you anyway. You're obviously already immune.
Now before you start getting all excited because you're thinking about germs that may be brought in from elsewhere on your hands, take a rain check on that...

1. If you somehow think you're getting germs by touching your own dick, you're either a dirty motherfucker or completely incapable of independent thought and analysis. Provided you have good hygiene and you don't walk around rubbing your penis on public handles and rotting eggs or roadkill or something, you can just go ahead and accept the fact that of all the appendages you have protruding from your body, your dick is probably the most germ-free. (Save the slut-banging comments for another time. Doesn't apply here.)
So it should be pretty obvious that your dick isn't the source of all the germs. Your hands are. In fact, I think it'd make more sense if you washed your hands BEFORE you took a piss. 'Cause you're totally puttin' somebody else's nasty germs you picked up from public places, all over your most prized possession. And don't try to tell me it isn't. So why are you treating it like it's some kind of aberrant ghoul that's going to infect the real germs that are already on your hands? Because that's a senseless custom that we can probably blame on Catholics or some shit. Doesn't matter. It's retarded, and the less you lie to yourself about it, the better off you'll be.

2. You've got far more germs on your kitchen counter and sink than any public bathroom's toilet seat has. How could this be?!? (says a conditioned response) Well, for one, most peoples asses are shielded from the outside world of microscopic foreign bodies. Their piss is sterile. I don't know about their shit, but I trust that you won't be sitting in any, at least purposely. But your kitchen sink...and the counters? heh... all those rotting food particles stuck in places you've inadequately cleaned, or never saw to begin with? Poultry, seafood, etc... seriously. You should be washing your hands after you open the refrigerator to grab a fucking Dr. Pepper, unless you keep your kitchen as clean as your dick should be...

That brings up another point. How many of you actually disinfect the mouth of a can of soda before you drink it? How about the silverware you get at restaurants? What about their cups?
If you're half-assedly wiping it off with the underside of your shirt or a napkin, you're either ignorant or it just makes you feel better about the whole thing. Trust me... the shit you put in your mouth daily, regardless of what it is, is far worse than what you might, in a million years, get sick from or otherwise catch, from touching your own dick and not washing your hands afterward.

Regarding public bathrooms, you know you don't flush the urinal anyway. The only reason you wash your hands is because you don't want the other people in the bathroom to think you're gross. Lie to me all you want, but you can't lie to yourself you bastards!

That's all I have to say about the issue.
the main reason I at least rinse my hands after I use my own bathroom is out of habit. I know my dick isn't dirty but still. I rather go back to my laptop with clean hands. What's wrong with being clean or liking to be clean?

When I buy can sodas, I don't drink from it until after I rinse it off under a sink somewhere. If i'm nowhere near a sink or streaming water to do that. I don't drink the soda, I save it til later.

I have an OCD type ritual when I use public bathrooms. I wash my hands after I'm done and then leave the water running until I get paper towels to dry my hands. I use the bunched up paper tower to then turn off the faucet and open to door because of the rest of you nasty mofos that don't want to wash your hands. If I also use hand sanitizer after I get out of the public restroom if I have some on me, which majority of the time I try to keep some on me.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You're a terrible dictionary.
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