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Old 01-23-2011, 06:54 PM   #7 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post

Except these people live underneath, behind, and to the right side of my apartment. At first, I used to just intentionally make a loud sound when they were being loud... you know, so they'd hear it, put 2+2 together and suddenly realize that I can hear their entire conversations, and clearly don't enjoy it.... then after a while I realized that I wasn't giving average human intelligence enough credibility: They know how loud they are.
They just don't give a fuck.

People like THAT grind my gears.
They're assholes without an excuse.
Heh. I hear that. I've probably mentioned this before but I pretty much live across the street from three bars. Two of them are fine but the clientele of one of them are some of the loudest motherfuckers on the planet. I really don't understand the need to shout to people from half a block away at 2AM on a weeknight. And the craziest thing about these assholes is they aren't young—they're all in their 40s and 50s—so you'd think they'd know better.
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