Jay Cutler... I've always hated him. He's always been the most over rated guy in the league and a total douche. Now he can add 'pussy' to the list of words that best describe him. I'm interested to see what exactly the knee injury he had was. Because I didn't evne see him wincing in pain or anything on the sideline, he looked fine. Jesus Christ, it's the NFC Championship game!! Have some guts out there. Rivers played with a torn ACL a couple years ago in the AFC Championship Game.
Pack seemed to be moving the ball and looked pretty good at times, but the Bears defense played great and kept them alive. Todd Collins was predictably awful in his few plays after Cutler pussied out. Hanie actually played pretty well, but a backup QB who never plays leading his team back from a deficit just wasn't in the cards.
Congrats to the Pack, they've been playing hot. I didn't think they looked great today, but it was good enough to win the ball game. You don't see Rodgers make mistakes in the redzone like he did today. Watching the Jets-Steelers now. I really hope the Jets win, but either way should be a great game. If Jets win, I'm rootin for the Jets. If Steelers win, I'm rooting for the Packers. I live in Steeler Nation and don't wanna hear about how great Pittsburgh is all off-season