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Old 01-22-2011, 03:28 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Faust View Post
Both quotes are from some chick's signature on another forum I frequent (though you'll most likely find the very same on various YouTube videos, anyway).

Terribly annoying to read. I never understood these comparison charts - you can't compare Swift to Skillet or T-Pain to Nickelback, they're all totally different things.

Not sure why I can't fathom the second quote... just can't. Where do people get off on the notion that 90% of the world's teenage population only listen to rap/hip-hop? Who makes these statistics?! Aaahh

Erm, sorry for the semi-rant. Responses here are super though, haha.
My response on YouTube is always..

90% of teens have turned to posting chain mail as a cathartic expression of emotional changes brought about by shifting hormone levels. If you're one of the 10% who has an original f*cking thought, then for the love of God don't paste this anywhere else.
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