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Old 01-21-2011, 03:47 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dotoar View Post
And further on, with all the obvious Beatles-hatred on this forum in mind; It all seems to have its roots not in the music itself or even the four dudes in the band, but in its critical acclaim, and that's just downright nutty. Even in this thread there are already several of you that openly state how you hate/dislike/whatever them because they are overrated, not to mention the multitude of other threads displaying the same logic (or lack thereof). What's up with that?

Sorry for double quoting...but here maybe I can help.

Being a Beatles listener for years, I can see where some can get sick of all of the worship. Add to it that the music certainly ended about 40 years ago, not counting the Anthology add-ons, the time and generation gaps certainly can effect. To some, it's great, to others it's pretty much Dad Rock. Back in the day, a goal of The Beatles seemed to try to knock the old order out of the way (Despite some digressions, of course...yes, I'm referring to a couple of Mr. McCartney's songs like "Honey Pie"), which did result in the Producer Pop moving aside for a while along with other great things as well as some that were not so great (but that's a whole other thread). Keeping to human nature tradition, anyone in connection to now (or at least starting more with the Alternative Late 70's/80's), has a good chance to call The Beatles as over-rated, especially when there has been more edgier music from that period that is just as important but usually overlooked in the Media.

Certinaly Beatles Rock Band and all of the other exploitation which uses their music is not helping matters at all (Across the Universe, the film, anyone?).

Going to the review linked...
Some of the hatred in others gets linked in reviews to the fact that The Beatles helped Rock stay around and grow in it's influence when one's choice of music certainly can get overlooked, expecially if one's taste is more of a Classical or at least a non-Rock base. This makes it all the more tempting for one to develop a attitude against them, especially when the stage is the internet.

Then, there are those who just don't "Dig It."

Again, an opinion is to each their own.

Last edited by Screen13; 01-21-2011 at 04:12 PM.
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