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Old 01-21-2011, 02:37 PM   #3216 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Originally Posted by Stu View Post
I second the call on HTTT. I think it's their best album.
HTTT is definitely great, but it starts to really lose steam in the second half of the album. Plus it also has a few dud songs like Backdrifts, We Suck Young Blood, and I Will. They should have cut these songs because HTTT does go on too long. Another problem I have with it is the flow, which is pretty non-existant.

My favorite Radiohead album changes all the time but currently I'd rank them like this:

OK Computer
Kid A
In Rainbows
Hail To The Thief
The Bends
Pablo Honey

The Bends is overrated in my opinion. It almost reminds me of The Beatles MMT album in the sense that it seems more like a collection of hits (MMT technically was an EP and a collection of hits for the second half) with a little lack of focus, whereas an album like Kid A or OK are very focused. So I guess the comparison would be like The Bends is to OK and Kid A what MMT is to Revolver and Sgt Peppers.

(And HTTT can be their White Album)
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