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Old 01-19-2011, 10:00 PM   #247 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 11

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
2 out of three ;D.
Nah, seriously. I must say that I probably would have done the same thing when I was 16. I was a virgin back then, I mean come on .
Props for liking Dylan when you are 16 by the way. That's really something
Hit the nail on the head about the v-card haha. And that's another thing about my generation, it seems like guys get into classic rock (not 'classic rock radio' **** per se) much earlier than girls and tend to get more into it. Not that there aren't exceptions. But most 16 your old white guys today will have a working knowledge of some classic rock groups even if they aren't huge fans, where as girls are more into top 100 stuff and rap. Girls get more into 'serious' music in college. Obviously not the rule but a trend i've observed growing up in the last few years.

Also, whats the big deal about vinyl? I'm too young to even remember 8-track really, so I've never had a record player lying around and I'd have to shell out about $100 to be able to get one. Is the sound quality any better, or is it merely nostalgia about it being the way you grew up listening to it, or because it is the "original" medium that it was recorded for or some such sentimental reason.
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