Originally Posted by zachsd
Definitely not. When I do drugs the fact that whether or not they're illegal doesn't even enter my mind. Instead, I think in terms of what the side effects might be, for instance legalizing heroin would not increase the likelihood of me trying it because it could completely fuck me up.
And I think people could only put "too late" if they've tried practically every mainstream illegal substance.
Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
That doesn't make sense...
The "too late" option is for those who've already tried drugs and to whom the main question doesn't fundamentally apply. It doesn't mention anything about having tried every drug. Judging by what's clearly obvious in your post, you should understand and agree with the concept that some folks may not want to do certain drugs for other reasons than their legal status.
The first post is answered by the second. I put the 'too late' option for anyone who's done ANY drug, not necessarily all of them. TBH, I seriously doubt anyone COULD do ALL the drugs it were possible to take.
Originally Posted by RVCA
 I feel the same way.
Though, I've always been curious about LSD.
LSD is pretty weird. I've done it a few times and it seemed like the walls kept cracking up/changing colour/moving in weird ways like a bad lava lamp. I also found everything really funny and couldn't walk properly. Didn't help I was listening to dance music either- the fast tempos made the effects of the acid come on even more quickly. I spent most of the night babbling about how I felt in touch with the cosmos.
Made the mistake of going for pizza, only to find myself walking on the main road infront of a police car. Luckily it was dark, and he didn't spot my dinnerplate eye pupils.
Originally Posted by rondo
No, I wouldn't, but it has nothing to do with legality or any of that social 'stigma'. Maybe if it were legal (and hence more widespread), I might have been tempted often enough to give it a go. But...just personal preference really - answer is No with a little bit in the 'unsure' category.
Although with the many case studies of DMT in particular...makes me wonder, what the hell are those elves doing in almost all the experiences!
My main curiosity with drugs seems to be the stuff you can learn about the human brain (and nervous system).
Curiously LSD and cocaine were both originally used as medical tools. LSD found use in experiments in the 60s in psychiatric medicine and also in CIA interrogation practice. Cocaine was, for a long time, recommended to patients by their doctors for pain relief.