Originally Posted by Conan
Out of curiosity, has anyone done shrooms? What are they like?
I was supposed to do them this past weekend, but my supplier ran into the law : (
However, the first time I tried them, I didn't take enough to get the trip O wanted to. I was happy though, the happiest I had been in a long time. As FaSho said, everything is funny. I laughed at my dog for a while, no idea why. There were a couple of hallucinations, but they happened because I was trying to make them happen, if that makes sense. It wasn't that intense though, which dissapointed me. I did only take like one gram, and I barely chewed it, which I now know that you should chew for as long as you can.
Back to the addiction topic though, it's one of my least favorite topics to talke about with Adults, in real life at least. Everytime this discussion has stirred up with my teachers, they always tell me that Marijuana is highly addictive, and proof is in the Rehab Centers, which I'm not sure but I think 70% is for Marijuana. They actually think that all of them are addicted, it's ridiculous.
Just curious, anyone actually think there is hope for the legalization of Marijuana in the U.S? In this lifetime?