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Old 01-11-2011, 05:23 PM   #9 (permalink)
Sansa Stark
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
All the people I've ever known that have done drugs, myself included, did not place enough significance on the legality of it to dissuade themselves from doing them. Unless you're overly paranoid or lack common knowledge, it's not hard to dismiss the idea that any time you obtain and put an illegal substance in your body a S.W.A.T team will bust in through the windows and arrest you.
I think most people who get busted for drugs (personal use type situations) end up in that position secondarily, after stupidly getting caught breaking some other law while in possession of drugs.
Unless you're a high level dealer who's being watched, I don't think a person should have any concern about whether they'll get busted for smoking a joint or something in their basement.

Personally, I think people that use legality as their sole excuse for not doing drugs are actually more afraid/unsure of the drug itself than they are of possible legal consequences. I don't think most functional, intelligent people really think their chances of getting busted are anywhere near as high as let on.
This exactly x 395988935893598538958393895

Personally, I think that people are way too influenced by drug hysteria and the media portrays drugs as a BIG ****ING DEAL and makes it seem like you'll die immediately after taking a toke or something. Granted, addiction ****ing sucks, but knowing what you put in your body and experimenting out of pure curiosity is something I think is totally natural and okay. I could care less about the legality of certain drugs, as there are many legal drugs that are the same thing, but manufactured and regulated. Drugs have a certain stigma around them and have for many years that prevents us from learning what they're actually about and what they can do to and for us. Not every drug is SUPER HARMFUL OMG.

Also, I think the fact drugs are illegal adds allure to them, much like abstinence education leads to more ****ing.
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