Originally Posted by RezZ
Ethan's right. It was created to stop us from forming super sentences that could blow the minds of the establishment.
nothing could be more punk than not using punctuation i mean seriously this one time i was at this show and like i was moshing but i was wearing a leather jacket because it was the winter time and i got so over heated in the pit that i thought i was going to to pass out maybe or throw up of something and when i ran for the bathroom the whole crowd just parted like the red sea pretty amazing if you think about it people are never like that anyway i spent most of the show sitting on the floor after that oh and it wasnt actually a punk show it was mr bungle but melt banana opened and theyre kinda punk it still was a really good show what i mean that was the disco volante tour i always wished i could have seen them touring for california because i think thats their best best album but oh well what can you do know what i mean it was awesome f
uck the man smash the system