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Old 07-28-2005, 03:54 PM   #4 (permalink)
Let it drip
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
1. Silver Machine pisses over anything Black Sabbath ever did

2. Lemmy

3. At the start of their Space Ritual tour they had 5 members in the band , by the end of it there were around 15 , including poets , naked dancers , a guy playing the 'sonic generator' , a frontman who dressed in world war one flying ace outfit complete with goggles who was declared clinically insane on more than one occasion , and a sci fi author , now you didn`t get that in Led Zeppelin did you.

4. Stacia .... A big breasted naked dancer who did it just for the hell of it.

5. They`re better than every single stoner rock band ever
well no.1 i DO NOT AGREE with buts its your opinion so i wont say anything.
No.2 fair enough
No.3 again fair enough- thats just class.
No.4 again class
No.5 well i happen to think kyuss, sleep and electric wizard are better stoner-rock bands but there you go.
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