wow guys.. I am reminded of YouTube somehow..
Ninjapleeze420, thank you for the amusing exchange of opinions, that's my type of humor. The fact that you got out of that alive (not banned) deserves some respect.
so.. back on topic
I saw this interview and performance of Nicki Minaj on Ellen today, and it made me like her (Nicki) so much more. To me who you are as a person is important, which is why it took me so long to like Kanye West. But Nicki seems really nice (even though everyone does on Ellen)
but her live performance blew me away. Correct me if I'm wrong, but she isn't lip syncing.. she's so good it almost seems like it.
I have great respect for an artist with good live performance, and Hip-Hop seems to come up disappointing on that front for me many a time. But this is amazing, seeing her do the different voices live is quite amazing. I will definitely be keeping an eye out when she tours near me.
And I think I'm gonna pick up her album soon
Last edited by Hitting_Singularity; 01-10-2011 at 01:15 PM.