Originally Posted by Ninjapleeze420
Because maybe there is a commitee and it seems like it and for the compliment youre welcome  I'm not here to fight with you buddy i'm just tired of being asked an opinion on a forum and someone talking **** like they're inm a position to judge I dion't take **** from you or the guys with their lips on your **** if I wanted your personal opinion on the way I talk mother****er id ask it buddy because what have you done in your life that makes you better over me I dont think **** all your just another loser who spends so much time on this fiorum you think your the **** here but youre not so either be my friend or keep talking because honestly im having fun despite the fact you guys dont think im funny and as for that black sabbath thing I like black sabbath but not enough to not take a stab at them if it comes down to a fan trying to be a tough guy on the internet so we can hash this out right now and both agree to shut up or you can put your two cents into the jar and see how much you can collect before noone wants to give kid ... Real talk buddy real talk
The whole reason people started making fun of you is you because you called Nikki Manaj a b*tch and started some incoherent rant. You can have a negative opinion about her and still express it in a way that doesn't make you look like a complete tool.