Originally Posted by adidasss
Not Spellbound, dude, time has not been kind to that one...even Hitch didn't look favorably on it later on. :\
really?...i don't know i won't lie it's been a few years since i last saw it....but i doubt my feelings have changed
Originally Posted by dankrsta
Well, since everyone is recommending Hitch films, I must say my favorites beside Psycho are definitely Vertigo, Rear Window, Rope, Rebecca, Shadow of a Doubt and Frenzy.
@ nonsubmissivewife
Since you liked Psycho very much I'd like to recommend you another masterpiece from the same year, but not from Hitchcock: Michael Powell's Peeping Tom (that is if you haven't already seen it). It is generally regarded that these two films have had a great influence on a 'serial killer genre'. But, regardless of that, they're ****ing great films that transcend genres.
i watched Peeping Tom a few weeks ago....and have to say it's still just creepy f
ucked up movie....even by todays gruesome standards....forever a classic