Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife
My first Alfred Hitchc ock movie, ever.....yeah, I know.
Anyway, I thought it lived up to all the hype it's ever received anytime and anywhere. The acting was superb, especially from Anthony Perkins. He was so naturally deviant it was disturbing. The shower scene didn't really get me because, well, we all know it's going to happen, but the part that really scared the crap out of me was when
Holy crap, I almost fell off the chair when that happened. And the whole scene where the camera is focused on her eye and then pans out...how hard must that have been to film?
I love it, everything. The acting, the subtleties in the dialogue and story and certain set placements.
Awesome movie. A++
one of my all time favorite movies....just a friendly heads up...you need NEVER see thew Gus Van Sant shot for shot re-make....i died a little on the inside the day that came out
Originally Posted by Janszoon
I have to say Vertigo never really did it for me. I vote North By Northwest, The Birds or Dial M for Murder instead!
North By Northwest is such a bad-ass film....everything about it is awesome....i also suggest checking out Spellbound and Rope....both are amazing examples of just how good Hitchc
ock really was

simply amazing....much more intense than i thought it would be....and just striking on the eyes