Conan - Like everyone says, he is the best member around. He deserves member of the year 2010, which I don't know what happened to that thread but... Whatever, his posts are both funny and insightful. There is never a dull momennt with Conan around.
s_k - Very picky about his audio, which bugs me,, but to each his own. Very fun to talk and argue with, but he is just an all around good guy. Uses to many smileys though, kind of bugs me.
Dirty - Very good rapper, and one of my favorite members. Very funny, and even though some of his posts are not the best, they do brighten up threads and make them fun to read.
Paloma - Has calmed down over time, used to be very crazy-like, but she has alwyas been pretty funny and a bit random at times, needs to post more though.
Urban Hatemonger - Very cool member, never afraid to say anything, speaks his mind, does what he wants to, which I respect.
James - Very nice member, haven't talked to him at all but it seems like he is a cool kid.
Loathsome Pete, jackhammer, Urban Hatemonger - They dropped out of their positions and disappeared, need to post more!!!
xEMGx - An unknown troll that leeches off other peoples music. : P