Originally Posted by Dirty
I don't remember anything after about 11.
I killed half a handle of this:
Started drinking around 7, left for the bar around 10. All I remember about the bar is standing front row watching a popular cover band play and I couldn't keep my balance and kept stumbling on the stage. Then apparently I went for a cigarette and never came back. Walked 15 minutes to a friends house and partied well into the night, smoking really dank bud, and dancing with some girls I knew. Talked to my mom at midnight. Apparently didn't make much sense when I got back. When I get really bombed I end up just jumping from subject to subject. Like I'll say two sentences about something then two sentences about an unrelated topic and just keep rambling. I woke up in a basement with a mattress on top of me and no back to my phone. I really wish I could remember anything cause from all accounts it sounded like a hell of a time. But I can't recall a single moment after 11 for the life of me.
Lol oh man thats classic dude!! Ive got tears in my eyes from laughing!! I love it when nights end up that way. Stands to good reason why im divorced! I get all tore up then sleep through the calm before the storm so to speak. Listening to my voicemail full of people telling me what I did and laughing. Others threating to kill me. New years was a little more mellow though. No drama or ending up in the slammer. Cant complain there.