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Old 01-06-2011, 11:17 AM   #539 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2008
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Awwsugar still the nicest person ever. although we don't talk at all. let's remedy that soon.

Janszoon really nice guy even when he makes you realize you're a total idiot. he sometimes comes off as a little too arrogant through his sarcasm and sardonic wit, a bit like David Lettermen. only I wouldn't slug him if we met in a dark ally.

Dirty welcome back dude. your new round of posts are great!

Freebase Dali puts me to shame for joining this forum a year removed from me and posting on a level I still can't approach. great job!

Vegangelica I don't like judgmental people. In fact, I don't think there's anything worse than a judgmental person (save your rape and holocaust jokes, please). But a lot of people confuse being judgmental with having strong beliefs. With having a passion for what you believe in that can't be bottled up, even if you try. That's the kind of person Erica is, and I like those kind of people.

Paloma she isn't false. that's what I like about her. she doesn't seem concerned with superficiality. I haven't really talked to her too much but she seems very nice (to me) and very genuine

Conan made this joke a while ago.

PAVEMENT SAW pretty much seems the female equivalent of me at 16, only she's a lot more blunt and isn't afraid to tell people they're idiots. long story short, she's cool.

Stone Birds has been contributing a lot to the forum lately. keep it up man!

sleep jack should stick around. I only get to enjoy his posts briefly and then he's gone. maybe he should mod again

James you're one cool cat.

People who I didn't mention will be mentioned... later.
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