Originally Posted by jackhammer
The video first. This is a cool video I have to say. You have the Cuban inspired traditional sound manipulated to a ridiculously catchy hook which dance music thrives on. Get out of my head!!!!!!
Heh, that was pretty good. Definitely catchy and the Harold Ramis-looking guy cracked me up.
Originally Posted by xEMGx
Ever since I hear this damn song about 6-7 years ago, it has forever been in my head and played at the most random times. Scary thing is, I actually find myself doing sometype of cowboy step dance. Apparently this song has been out long before this version came out, but this is just a catchy song. Up until the female vocals, which I can truthfully say that without them this song would be perfect. (Yes I said it, you may throw rocks at me)
Yeah, I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but I've always had a soft spot for this one. It's doesn't hurt that I have some nostalgic memories associated with it as well.
As far as the being old goes, yeah, it's very, very old. Old enough that I'm pretty sure it's considered a traditional folk song with no particular composer associated with it.