Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier
Despite the decent argument that you are putting out. The Pixies and Nirvana are very comparable especially since Nirvana were heavily modelled on the Pixies. The comparison between Led Zep and Caravan was not a great analogy. As brilliant as the Pixies were, I`d still sooner listen to a Nirvana album.
I'll concede that they may be compared. But I think that, as a general principle, it is better comparing bands that truly do sound alike. It makes for a fairer comparison as in that case it is clear what exactly is being compared.
My problem, I guess, is that I'm not sure exactly what is being compared in a discussion of Pixies v Nirvana - aside from pure personal preference.
If that is the case then it's Nirvana hands down for me. Even though I love Doolittle, and rather like Surfer Rosa.