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Old 12-31-2010, 04:13 AM   #89 (permalink)
one-balled nipple jockey
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Originally Posted by Pedestrian View Post
I think he's just bitter that he doesn't have a car.
Considering I also actually own my wife's car, I have two.

I almost think you are a troll because I can't believe someone actually thinks a car is a form of oppression.
Really? back in the day I was hardcore into Critical Mass. I had a little anarchy flag on my huffy beach cruiser.

Dotoar, I may not know the details. I'm a hypocrite for sure. My ideas are ridiculous and impossible. But I do know I want way less people and way fewer laws. I also want to live in a world without money, militaries, compulsory education...

I might be a fascist, communist, libertarian, pacifist, or whatever- as long as it's different from what we're doing now. My idealogies aren't ironed out because to me there's no point in that. It's stupid to confine yourself to a belief system because it's all crap. I can't change anything or convince anyone of anything or even live the way I want to myself. But still, I call myself an anarchist because when I take any issue and boil it down to what I really believe, at my core it's anarchism. My mind is a convoluted mess though.

I appreciate that you even took the time to read the crap I've written so far. I'm not a troll but I am a bit of a crank. But, isn't it too easy to just say, hey, I believe in this and then start backing it up? Well, maybe that's all I've been up to on here. I also really believe in pacifism. Maybe if I started there my ideas would make more sense.
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