Originally Posted by clutnuckle
This is going somewhere, I can feel it.
Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen
If it was such an attempt then it failed quite miserably. The bands shouldnt be compared because their sounds don't match.
Because they do.
their sounds don't match, that's why they are fun to compare. "hey lets compare the chantays to the ventures!.... man that's boring" (cue someone snarky saying "well they really are different!" of course they are, but you get my point)
And it was not a failure seeing as Kurt Cobain did adapt a lot of the pixies song structure and soft-loud, verse-chorus dynamic changes.
Talking about Smells like Teen Spirit, Cobain said:
"I was trying to write the ultimate pop song. I was basically trying to rip off the Pixies. I have to admit it. When I heard the Pixies for the first time, I connected with that band so heavily that I should have been in that band— or at least a Pixies cover band. We used their sense of dynamics, being soft and quiet and then loud and hard."
^That is why this thread even exists.
The Pixies were a big influence on Nirvana's music. They were the better band. Nirvana made more of an impact on the popular music world. They were the more important band.
Quick! Somebody close the thread!