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Old 12-29-2010, 03:45 AM   #177 (permalink)
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I never said they were comparable really, I was just conforming to the thread and giving my two cents, similar to what you did here:

I'll listen to Nevermind or In Utero over Surfer Rosa or Doolittle ANY day
Thus nullifying your hissy fit about them not being comparable, I don't agree that they are as I'm sure I've mentioned previously in this thread, but the thread exists and I was giving my opinion exactly like you did. Also, your point about In Utero not being comparable to Nevermind is complete and utter tosh, they're two albums by the one band, so they're 100% comparable no matter how much you want to say they're not similar cos that doesn't even come in to it. And you really don't need to tell me what it is that Pixies do, they're pretty much my favourite band so it's safe to say I understand the point of their music. Besides, you can listen to SR and Doolittle all you like, fortunately it was Bossanova I pointed out mostly being better than anything Nirvana have done, that's a fact you'll need to face.

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