Originally Posted by Dotoar
You didn't answer any of my questions. "Wouldn't it be nice" is a great song but not a great argument.
Do elaborate.
So your vision includes the execution of 80% of all american men? I'm forced to ask: Are you a utilitarian nazi?
You asked how I came up with 500 million. I'm telling you I just pulled it out of my ass. I'm not trying to win any argument. I know my ideas are stupid bs that will never happen. But I do have some kind of idea of what would need to be done to make this world one worth living in to me.
I need to elaborate on why driving a car is a trespass on others? I don't feel comfortable playing checkers on the freeway.
What's a 'utilitarian nazi'? I don't have anything against Jews if that's what you mean. If I were to generalize based on personal experience then Jews would have to be among my favorite people. I think it's sad the ones who actually believe in their fantasyland mythology but I don't hate them for it.
His vision includes execution of an awful lot more people than that
I don't support executing anybody. I just wish I could wish them away. Executions would be ugly. Plus, I probably wouldn't want to live in a world with someone like me if I were someone else. I just think step one is to admit that there's too many people and then maybe we can think of sane and civilized ways of reducing the world's population. Once we get the numbers low enough- after our own deaths sadly- 'we' can start working on everybody living the good life.
Here's a step in the right direction: Some super rich guy somewhere ought to offer 5000 dollars to any person under 25 who's willing to be sterilized. If he's rich enough and maybe gets some other billionaires to pitch in he could probably get millions of people on board.