Originally Posted by Musikwala
To the original poster:
Dude, you have Soundgarden in your name. Your location implies U2. And you are reviewing Smashing Pumpkins. You must have some freaking awesome music taste!
As for the Pumpkins, Siamese Dream is by far my favourite album. Every song rocks like a motha!! especially the one called Quiet. Love it so much! Hummer, Soma and Mayonaise... fantastic songs! Gish is also pretty great but not quite as much as SD. Mellon Collie I agree is too long. I once made a condensed single disc version of it which gives SD a serious run for it's money! Could not get into Adore much though. Haven't heard anything else, though I do know the awesome Stand Inside Your Love. Great band who were alas not as good on Zeitgeist with 2 missing members. :/
Thank you!
Yeah, SD is great, all of SPs albums are great for the most part. If Billy would've been able to sort between the crap and the gold during the Machina sessions, Machina I probably would've been right up there with SD and would have been an epic way for the band to part. Well, at least we still got Machina II for free!
You couldn't get into Adore much? I suppose that's understandable, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it does contain many of the Pumpkins most mature and beautiful tracks. (To Sheila, Blank Page, For Martha etc)
As for Zeitgeist, I'd rather not discuss until I have to. (when I review it
