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Old 12-22-2010, 01:00 PM   #316 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by npc210 View Post
Led Zeppelin (and I own most of their albums)
Nirvana (see Zep)
Red Hot Chili Peppers (see Nirvana)
Animal Collective (sorry, I don't get their appeal)
TV on the Radio
The Eagles
Fleetwood Mac

Blur (at least here in the states)
The Zombies/Colin Blunstone (perhaps too universally "underrated" to make this thread)
Agreed on all this.

I'm in the Zepplin are overrated camp. Like duga said, Page does some really nice chord progressions and rhythm work, albeit a bit too tasteful at times, but I'm not a fan of his lead playing. Obviously its good in terms of technique, but there's too much bluster for my liking. For me, Zepplin too often sound like virtuoso fake blues music, sharing more in common with stadium bands like Mountain, Cream etc., rather than the dangerous, sexy renegades like Hendrix, Stooges and Sabbath, who mix psychedelia, chaos and a sense of outsider-dom into their groove.

Despite this though I would listen to Zep more regularly if it wasn't for one factor; Robert Plant's squealy forghorn whine just rubs me up the wrong way, and his mystical airy-fairy bollocks lyrics don't help his cause.

Still, 'Black Dog' is a MEGA TUNE.

Anyway, to the overrated I'll throw in: Pink Floyd, The Byrds, The Smiths, U2, Arcade Fire, Neutral Milk Hotel, Guided By Voices.

Two of these bands I have massive respect for (The Byrds, Smiths) because they're an obvious influence on some bands I adore. I've always thought Morrissey's lyrics were great but I can't stand his voice, and I find them drab musically. The Byrds just bore the shit out of me.

Underrated is a lot harder for a cynic like me but I'll go for: The La's, The Slits, Pere Ubu, Neu! and Kool and the Gang. (before you raise an eyebrow I don't mean their horrible 80's disco hits, but their 70's funk stuff)
I'll probs think of more later.
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