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Old 05-30-2004, 11:23 AM   #10 (permalink)
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Toronto
Posts: 33

OK, if you'd read my post, you'd see that I never said anything about emo kids or YOU at all. What I said was that there are enough people out there who make their own problems and that vaporak could have been talking about them.
Also, the point of my post was to say that he's entitled to as much of an opinion as you are, as you said this is a "sheltered environment" where someone shouldn't be "criticized for their personality, tastes ect." So if you want to have your opinions respected, you have to show that same respect to other people as well. If vaporak is wrong then you should correct him by showing him your side of things in a respectful way. Last I checked, calling someone a "preppy little poon" wasn't the best way of explaining your point of view.
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