Originally Posted by LoathsomePete
Lucero and Social Distortion are doing a show together in February that I might be interested in going to. Punk shows aren't really my thing because I have a hard time identifying with punks but I really enjoy SD and Lucero so I might tough it out. Rob Zombie is also doing a show in February and while I prefer his work with White Zombie, it still might be a show going to just to say I've seen Rob live.
The big show for 2011 is in May when I get to see Sepultura, Keep of Kalessin, and Neuraxis, the latter two are bands in which I discovered this year and enjoyed enough to make the effort to see them live. The only bad thing is that I'll most likely have to sit through Bonded By Blood before any of the bands I like come on and well... to quote Yahtzee, their music feels like someone is raping my ear canal with a sandpaper condom.
that sounds dreadful....
i was actually thinking of coming down for the Rob Zombie show....its just a few days before my birthday
i am defiantly going to see Neurosis in San Francisco on January 15th....i may head back to the bay to catch Gang Of Four on February 19th....and i literally just bought my ticket to see Swans on March 1st....i'm thinking of staying and seeing them again on the 2nd