Originally Posted by MAStudent
I think funk has made profound waves into many other genres.
Parliament is funk, Rick James is funk, the Isley Brothers are funk.
Is Dave Mathews funk?
Is Nirvana funk?
Is NWA funk?
Is Snoop Dogg funk?
Is Jack Johnson or ALO funk?
Is Primus funk?
As soon as you start adding dotted quarter and eighth notes in your hook, doubling your one/down beat, adding aggressive bass lines, starting phrases on an up beat, etc, you are verging on funk. Some popular music is linear now, but most modern music is uninteresting without flavors of funk. Most modern music without solid bass is also uninteresting.
Just because people don't call it funk..
Originally Posted by usman123
Dear Sir,
i don't understand your thread completely but according to my thinking islay brother and parliament have funk music.
Whats not to understand, The Isley Brothers & Parliament are true funk bands, and he is describing how other bands and different forms of modern music are so influenced by the funk genre, and that the genre might be a little under appreciated.