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Thread: The Slut Debate
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Old 12-10-2010, 03:00 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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I'm surprised the evolutionary viewpoint hasn't been brought up yet. So...

Evolutionarily speaking, females invest more into spreading their genes. They have to deal with the fetus developing inside of them for 9 months, consuming their nutrients and causing minor health issues while simultaneously being physically encumbering. They have to experience the excruciating birth process. They must invest significantly more post-birth, too. Breastfeeding, rearing, etc.

For a male to spread his genes, he just needs to f*** as many females as he can.

So really, I'd argue that men are biologically programmed to be "sluts" and that's the way it has always been, therefore it's socially acceptable that they are indeed sluts. However, women are expected to do everything I just listed, and that's why it's not socially acceptable for them to sleep around; our evolutionary past dictates that they can't, if they wish to pass on their genes.
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