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Old 12-08-2010, 04:08 AM   #821 (permalink)
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Well it has always baffled me why Shaq can't make more than around 50% of his foul shots. I don't understand how any NBA player could shoot under around 70% to be honest. Shaq has taken a million foul shots by now. But then again I kinda understand, shaq has probably never actually shot a basketball in his life outside of 5 feet from the rim. His incredible size and strength allows him basically to camp out under the rim and wait for dunks. I just think the hack a Shaq is cheap. I understand fouling him when he has the ball, but they would put bench warmers in the game to immediately foul him as soon as the ball was imbounded. Just cheap. But to Shaq's credit, he did make a lot more foul shots when they counted and when teams would do the hack-A-Shaq
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