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Old 12-07-2010, 03:59 PM   #581 (permalink)
Nine Black Poppies
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Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog View Post
It depends on what the goal of that explanation is. Whenever its political I always gun for the most irrefutable and direct reasoning. In America, if you leave breathing room, the homophobic will suck all the air out.
Indeed, how one approaches the subject definitely does rely pretty heavily on the agenda of the conversation. I guess my point is more that--particularly in this case--using a genetic explanation isn't necessarily such an irrefutable and direct line of reasoning because it's subject to interpretation and context.

Which again, isn't to say it isn't a relevant contributing factor or that it can't be used in a tool for progressive persuasion--just that the human mind is remarkably adept at finding ways to use "empical" data to justify the beliefs it already holds, so there's a danger in relying to strongly on any mono-dimensional examination of what makes us who we are.
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