Only 3 REALLY serious contenders to me are Lakers, Celtics, and Heat.
Then there's a step down the ladder with Thunder, Spurs, and Magic
Then the third tier I'd put Utah and the Mavs.
I think the Thunder are good enough to bang with just about anyone right now. Absolutely scary what they could do in the west in the next decade if that core of Durant, Westbrook, and Green stay intact. They've got a stud point guard in a point guard's league and one of the top 3-4 scorers in the game who can get any shot he wants and unlimited range. Lovin the Thunder.
Still not sold on Utah. They've always had a hard time winning me over. Not sure they are physical enough down low to bang with the big boys. Though I DO think letting Boozer go was smart, I was saying last year that Millsap is better. Boozer is over rated, you need guys that protect the rim and Jazz couldn't do that. Deron Williams always gives Utah a chance but I just don't see enough scorers out there for them for me to take them real serious.
And damnit, I HATE the Spurs. Always have, always will. I grew up as a little kid loving Shaq (so I rooted for Orlando and Lakers). So I watched a lot of Spurs games, and they would get so many calls it's ridiculous. Always regarded them as fundamental, but so cheap in how they would win. Biggest flopping team in the NBA with Ginobili, Parker, Duncan, and Bowen when he played. And I hated the Hack-A-Shaq bull**** too. But I have always loved Popovich as a coach and once again he has his team looking great. Spurs are always under the radar, never flashy, and always a contender.