Originally Posted by clementine
this band is just too good, I haven't been blown away like this by a song or album since I heard Tool's Lateralus earlier this year, and that's a lot to say. can't stop listening to those songs, om mani padme hum, that's freaking amazing really! love that mantra and love this version. thanks for sharing it, it's made my day
Yeah man, "Lateralus" changed my views on music as a whole and I wouldn't be hear listening to what I listen to now because of Tool. I do think that their fans ruin it sometimes though, they can be pretentious bastards sometimes, haha!
Originally Posted by clementine
do you know if there's any other way of getting the songs apart from itunes? are they releasing an album ?
You can get "Dead Mantra" off Itunes for a buck and you can also get the 10" single which you can get online, but I can upload the four other songs if you can't rip them off youtube. I'm not sure when they will officially be released , but if you want them now I can help you out.