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Old 12-06-2010, 12:04 AM   #3173 (permalink)
Insane Guest
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Originally Posted by RVCA View Post
No I totally agree, I'm just not sure how to articulate my attitude towards pot. I'd like to say I have nothing against those who use it, but that'd be a lie.
So what do you have against them?
I'm pretty sure I'm not going to convince but have you ever just thought of smoking marijuana? It just seems that peoples minds usually change when they try something. I had a completely different attitude towards pot when I had never tried it. I thought, I'm never going to do drugs, and went along with all the "Just say No," and all that bull****.
I assumed that everyone who used it were stupid, and were trying to look cool. And while there are people who do it just to fit in or to be cool, there are those who truly like the high that it gives you. I tried it by myself, and I found out it was a great way to just forget about everything, and just chill.

Don't go along with all that propaganda, it's bull****.

I'm just saying, given the chance, I really think you should try it, and if you really don't like it afterwards, than stay away from it.
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