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Thread: Exuma
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Old 12-04-2010, 12:22 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by zachsd View Post
The only Exuma thread on this forum has one response, how disappointing.

This is really funny, I had a very similar reaction when I first listened to Exuma. I immediately wanted to invite a bunch of friends over to my house, start a fire in my backyard, blast it on the stereo, take hallucinogenic drugs, and partake in some voodoo ritual. This album is so good that it it should be banned by the government.

But yeah, Exuma is amazing. I'm fairly new to him right now and have just been playing his first album. What do you think of his later stuff?
Exuma II is definitely a step down, but it's not as though you could except a second masterpiece from his right away. Also, it's still a great album so I wouldn't split hairs. I found it a lot less full and colorful (in terms of instrumentation), but I still loved the vocals.

His third album, Do Wah Nanny is a lot less mystifying, angular and effective. It's still very nice, as the instrumentation still sounds really cool to the ear. Nothing will ever move you like "Exuma the Obeah Man", though, and you're more than likely to be humming the melodies to these songs, rather than chanting them with excessive pride.

Besides, even if you hate them, you can always stare at the cover art!

Last edited by clutnuckle; 12-04-2010 at 01:10 PM.
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