Originally Posted by MoonlitSunshine
Well, so good of you to bump it back up for us 
Heh. Any time. I was just jonesin' for a little online love.
Originally Posted by MoonlitSunshine
Welcome! You seem to have led an interesting life thus far, to say the least, and from the looks of it your taste in music is just as varied. I look forward to seeing you around the forums 
Well, I'm glad you think so. There are some who might argue my taste in music is too much the same, so I'm glad you think there's some variety.
Originally Posted by s_k
No one? 
Apologies. I didn't mean to discount your greeting. Thank you.
Originally Posted by Janszoon
Hi thirtiesgirl. I'm a big fan of 1930s graphic design so I guess we sort of have a love of the 30s aesthetic in common. And between your intro post here and the posts of yours I've seen around you seem to have a pretty good taste in music. Anyway, welcome aboard!
Aw, thanks! Yeah, I do love '30s graphics and style. I'm also an occasional art nouveau fan.
Originally Posted by zachsd
Welcome fellow Los Angeleno. Just out of curiosity, what part of LA are you from? If it's embarrassing (i.e. south of Santa Monica Blvd.) you can make something up.
And I kid about the Santa Monica Blvd. thing, maybe.
Heh. No worries. I live in the South Bay, although I previously lived in the (whisper it) San Fernando Valley for 8 years. I'm not from LA, although I grew up in SoCal. I moved to LA in '97 for the better job market and music scene. I'm tired of it now and would like to leave ('it' being LA in general, not the music scene, which I think is great). I'm just not sure where I want to go. In the years I've lived here, I've experienced a lot of "east side/west side" attitude from people I've met and I get tired of that pretty damn quickly. No one's neighborhood is any better than anyone else's. Maybe more prone to crime and violence if you live in or near certain parts of South Central, but that's about it.