I'm a pretty straight-forward deist. Spent most of my life mouthing the tenets of Christianity, pretending to be a Christian in the vain hope of thinking that if I prayed enough or read enough Bible passages, all my doubts would simply go away. When I went to uni, I began to critically look at the Bible in terms of history and some of the issues surrounding the Bible's composition, history and other issues, and eventually rejected it.
Eventually, after exploring other religious paths, including Islam and atheism, but eventually found myself reading The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine (a famous deist booklet) completely by accident and slowly coming to the realization that all my life I was a deist, not a Christian or anything else.
I guess that my prime reason for believing in God can be divided into two. Firstly, matter and motion are not usually found together unless something makes it so, and there are some things in the universe which we observe which cannot be pinned down to totally naturalistic, mechanistic processes, such as some aspects of psychology.
So if anyone wants to hear a deist perspective on things, I'm always willing and (hopefully) able to answer.